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N EARLY a quarter of a century ago—to be exact, on March 16th, 1905— " The Commercial Motor" was founded. It was the first...
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To those closely associated with the Road Transport Industry the Commercial Motor Show at Olympia is always of interest and of...
T HE present system of taxation for moter vehicles demands that where trailers are .employed each motive unit has to pay an...
H ALF Measures are often worse than no measures at all. This has already proved to be the case in connection with the half...
Commercial Vehicle Show there are murmurings in certain quarters that two years is not a sufficient interval between such...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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ENGENDERED Y OLYMPIA By HERBERT MORRISON (Minister of Transport) MHE important Ninth International Commercial Motor Exhibition...
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PNEUMATIC TYR E By Sir GEORGE BEHARRELL, D.S.O. (Managing Director, Dunlop Rubber Co„ Ltd.) T HE present era in heaVy• road...
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THE INDUSTRY By R. J. HOWLEY, C.B.E., Winst.T. (Chairman of the Standing joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport...
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MAKE 1 1 : S CAN COMPETE OVE SEAS By NORMAN A. HARDIE, General Sales Manager of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. H AVING...
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T "human animal, man, emerged from the equality , of the 'specie§ mainly because he directed his peculiar gift; brain, to the...
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111) \ ESSIONS OF ROAD T1•:ANSPORT IN BRAZIL By E. B. HUTCHINSON, F.R.G.S., M.Inst.T, B RAZIL is often pictured as a land of...
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111) Us OPE A.TING Discussed by W. CHAMBERLAIN Immediate Past President of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association...
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G REAT progress with the employmentof the motor in agriculture has been made during the past four or five years and its use...
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N EW VEHICLE Useful Advice on a Subject of Great Importance to the Potential Buyer T HEPotential purchaser of a new...
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T HIS is the first appearance at Olympia of this manufacturer. The Pilot chassis—for bodies not exceeding 26-seaters—has been...
B Y reason of the fact that every model on this stand is entirely new in design, visitors to the Show find even more than usual...
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A REPRESENTATIVE range of 1 - 1 Vehicles is shown on this stand, all of which are of thoroughly up-todate design and built in...
MITE first vehicle that catches - the J.. eye on this stand is the interesting Pa,vesi-type four-wheel-drive tractor. This has...
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T FIREE well-tried types of chassis form the bases of the five Austin exhibits. The largest is the 20 h.p. model having a...
A LTHOUGLI the B.A.T. chassis „tiLmade its bow before the British public only, in September last, the maker, Harris and Hasell...
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A S is by now fairly well known, the 1 - 1Betra policy for 1930 aims at concentration on the production of commercial vehicles...
TISITORS who are interested in V the operation of taxicabs are provided on this stand with an opportunity for inspecting...
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N O fewer than eight goods-carrying vehicles and chassis are to be seen on the stand of the British branch of this well-known...
mHERE are not many examples of Diesel-engined machines at the Show, but great interest attaches to those exhibited, • and many...
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N O fewer than three out of the four exhibits are entirely lam products. The only model shown with a four-cylindared engine is...
A QUARTETTE of these well-known American chassis is staged by the British concessionnaire. They constitute the latest arrivals...
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M TAM! kinds of trailer have been L designed and produced by Cardmore Six Wheelers, Ltd., at the company's works at Finchley,...
rinHE 45-50 h.p. Chenard-Walcker tractor-trailer outfit has, in the past few years; become a very popular machine, not only in...
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T EE Chevrolet commercial chassis is made in two models, one for 12cwt. loads and the other for 30-cwt. loads. They have the...
S IX examples of the latest practice in commercial-vehicle construction are staged by this well-established concern. It is...
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B Y reason of its recent introduction the 35-cwt. six-cylinder Citroen chassis attracts first attention. The 19.3 h.p....
T IIE exhibits on this stand are very comprehensive, as they cover the whole field of municipal and private Operator's...
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rilHE Dodge Brothers' 'range is particularly complete and several good examples represent it at Olympia this year. For the...
A T the Commercial Motor Show of 1927 the Daimler exhibit created something of a furore by virtue of the manner in - which...
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H ALF the exhibits on this stand are entirely new types, and the range of this old-established maker now covers a very wide...
/11HE Dover six-cylinder light van is .1_ marketed in this country by Hudson Essex Motors, Ltd., being produced from the same...
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I T is a noteworthy fact that the complete vehicle exhibited on this stand is made by the one concern ; it has done much...
maw latest product of the Chrysler _L works is the new 30-ewt. commercial chassis. It has only just become available in this...
A L TO fewer than six examples of the 11 well-known Federal maehine are to be seen on this stand. There is one complete...
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rtin the en g ineer there is always a wealth of interest on the F.W.D. stand, as the maker concentrates upon the production of...
WO chassis are to be seen on the 1 Fiat stand, both of these representin g new models which have only just become available for...
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I T is clear from an inspection of the exhibits on this stand that the Garner engineers are thoroughly practical people, for...
O NLY passenger-carrying models are shown on the Gilford stand. A striking newcomer is the double-decker ; the chassis used for...
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of each of them the prices for 1930 show a considerable reduction. The largest model-namely, the T60, which is suitable for...
A MOST comprehensive selection from the extensive range of Guy passenger and goods machines is to be seen on this imposing...
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Vat RIDE of place of the exhibits on this stand must unquestionably be given to the polished Conqueror chassis. This particular...
T HE five models exhibited on this stand represent the range of American machines marketed by the International Harvester Co....
T HIS stand is one of the few in the Show on which all the exhibits embody a single design of chassis. The Jowett 7 h.p....
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O (N WING to restrictions of space it is possible to show the full range of Karrier chassis, which includes models for...
O NE of the novelties in the Lally range is the new special passenger chassis with 11111 engine having six cylinders of 90 mm....
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T OADS from 50 cwt. to 10 tons can be carriedor hauled by the Latil models exhibited on this stand. Owing to space...
S TANDARDIZATION and interchangeability of components throughout the wide range Of Leyland chassis are, perhaps, the...
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B Y reason of its recent introduction into this country, the Liberty rigid six-wheeler for 12-ton loads claims first attention....
MHE Longframe extension aint which has been developed and marketed in this country by the British Longframe Six 'Wheeler Co.,...
A NEW model upon which Minerva NEW (England), Ltd., is concentrating is the latest HTM passenger chassis with its...
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TT is doubtful whether any exhibits will claim greater attention from discriminating operators than the latest type 45-120...
A N extremely imposing exhibit is the rigid six-wheeler destined to carry 10 tons of goods. Not only is the design at the frame...
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Commercial A S might be expected from such a huge organization as Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., this exhibit represents one of...
p ARTICULARLY useful, both in congested areas and in country districts, should be the Morris 8 h.p. fire tender which is shown...
I NTENDED to carry 60 passengers, the Ransome trolley-bus exhibit is one of a fleet of six chassis built to the order of the...
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A COMPREHENSIVE selection from _tithe wide Renault range of goods and Passenger chassis is available, this inchiding the...
TMPORTANCE attaches to the fact "that since the previous Commercial Motor Show, held at Olympia at the end of 1927, a separate...
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B Y reason of its novelty the pneumatic-tyred road-haulage tractor will appeal to many visitors to the Show. In the past the...
O Npage 449 of our issue for last week, we described the new Satires model-6BLD heavy-oil-engined 7-8-ton goods chassis, also...
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A LL the Scammell machines have the same model of four-cylindered overhead-valve engine, the bore of which is 5 ins, and the...
A LTHOUGH the Singer company 2 - 1 has been in the commercial-vehicle industry for some little time, it is only recently, .that...
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C OMMERCIAL vehicles manufactared by a special department of the Sunbeam Motor Car Co, Ltd., Wolverhampton, are shoivit on this...
T eihibits an this stand allow RE 1 variations of the well-known Star Flyer chassis, which include one entirely new model, a...
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T HE solitary exhibit from the -1 Shelflex factory consists of a 2i-ton standard chassis, although the range, of course,...
A COACEIBUILT 20-seater bus body 1 - 1. by E. J. Newns, Ltd., surmounts the Stewart special bus chassis. It has drop witidoivs,...
T E novelty on this stand is the rigid six-wheeler which incorporates a tabular bogie frame carrying all four wheels. It is not...
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B OTH four and six-wheelers are staged by this important maker, three of the former category being displayed and two of the...
O NLY four vehicles are shown on this stand, three of which have transmission systems embodying a normal layout for clutch and...
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11111IS company manufactures both goods and passenger chassis, as well as bodies, and perhaps the most important exhibit is...
(AN this stand will be found examples of sturdy vehicles built on simple lines so that maintenance work is reasonably easy....
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I N a recent issue of The Commercial Motor we described a new Willys Commercial six-cylinder chassis, which, with a capacity...
" Speed-Six" Platform Lorry, Rigid Six-wheeled Lorry. 6-ton 45 b.h.p. Lorry. 6-ton Undertype Lorry. 11101 ROBABLY the most...
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MHE well-known trailer maker, Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., Finchley, London, N.12, is showing a 3-4-ton trailer on pneumatics,...
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W E were present at the inaugural luncheon given by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders to mark the opening of the...
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Many Indications of the Remarkable Progress Made in Design and Construction During the Past Two Years. An Expert Commentary on...
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A Brief Resume of the Chief Items of Interest on the Stands of Tyre Manufacturers T HERE is a wealth of interest to all...
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Motor Export Trade. By our Special Taxicab Windscreens. • Road Traffic Bill. Parliamentary Hospital Levies. Taxicab...
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T T is everywhere noticeable that -Iwood consumers in all trades are paying increasing attention to the uses of Empire timbers,...
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.to convince . the haulier who was trying to cut pricesthat the running cost of his 30-cwt. vehicle amounted . to 3.27d. per...
It has always been our view that the best way to calculate depreciation as an item in the operating cost of a commercial-motor...
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Details of the Remarkable Scammell Articulated 14wheeler, the Construction of which was Forecast by Us Six Months Ago. R...
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That Will Lower Your Maintenance Costs A Tendency for Commercial-vehicle Users to Effect Their Own Repairs is Fostered by...
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QUERIES Enclosed Staircases for Double-deckers. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2932] Sir,—Regarding the letter froni...
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ENGINE DESIGN I T has often been said by the casual visitor to Olympia during the great Commercial Motor Exhibition "That...
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CC ONSTANT readers of "The Commercial Motor " will know that we include in our ordinary issues certain regular features of...