What Will Be Seen at the I s and Transport Exhibition
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0 N Monday next, November 15, the ninth Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition will open at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, N.1, and will remain open, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, until the following Saturday evening, the price of admission being Is. 3d.
Among the conferences to be held doting the week, those arranged under the auspices of the following should be of especial interest to our readers:— National " Safety First" Association (on the influence of youth upon accidents), Monday at 3 p.m. ; Society of Chemical Industry (on materials for road construction), Tuesday at 11 a.m.; Association of Public Lighting Engineers (on photometry in public lighting), Tuesday at 11 am.; Institution of Municipal and County Engineers (on public cleansing), Tuesday at 3 p.m.; and (on highway design and accidents) Friday at 1.I. a.m.
The exhibits will include a comprehensive array of vehicles and appliances for special purposes.
An improved model of its municipal park and road tractor, the basis of which is a Morris-Commercial 2-ton chassis, will be amongst the chief exhibits of ALLAN TAYLOR ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING CO., High Street, Wandsworth, London, S.W.18, on Stand 148. The body accommodates five gang-mower units, which can be loaded in a single operation by one man. The tractor has a mowing speed of 4-8 m.p.h., its road speed being 30 m.p.h., and it is capable of dealing with loadsup to three tons. The new n50 Coronation model—an 8 hp. tractor— will also be on view.
Prominent on the stand (32) of Joi-tx ALLEN AND SONS (OXFORD), LTD., Cowley, Oxford, will be a WaukeshaHesselman Model VR7,H oil engine, which is a four-cylindered unit with a bore of 41 ins., a stroke of 51 ins.
New Aveling-Barford Products.
Rollers for a variety of purposes will be well represented on the stand (76) of AVEI.ING-BA RFORD, LTD., Grantham. The machines to be shown range in weight from 15 cwt. to 8 tons, certain models being designed for footpath rolling and general road work, whilst the heavier types are for road construction. Much interest will no doubt centre on the new BD 4-ton roller, which makes its first public appearance. This is an oil-engined product having a two-cyfindered power unit.
Another new exhibit will he the 8-ton steam roller, powered by a singlecylindered piston-valve engine: Several other rollers will be on view alongside another new product of the company— a 2i-cubic-yd. dumper, which has a Fordson four-cylindered engine as the motive unit. The question of weight distribution has received special attention in its design, and a distinctive feature is the provision made for assisting tipping when a normal gravity tip isimpossible.
Apart from a range of equipment for various public-works uses, BLaw-KNox, LTD., Clifton House, Euston Road, London, N.W.1, will have on view on Stand 109 a Cletrac tractor.
Stand 106 will house a complete range of Muir-Hill dumpers, with capacities of from 1-3 cubic yds., in addition to the Muir-Hill Model 45 loading shovel, which has remained practically unchanged since its introduction. All the dumpers have certain features in common, such as instantaneous gravity tip and giant low-pressure pneumatic tyres. The company marketing these products is E. BOYDELL AND CO., LTD., Elsinore Road, Old Trafford, Man chester. '
Ashbury, Swindon, propose to exhibit, on Stand 132, 4a mechanically pushed
• patent all-steel snowplough, a footpath or channel plough, and a mechanically pushed squeegee, which is attached to a vehicle by steel members; it cleans to a width of 7 ft. In addition, there will be two types of gritting machine.
Manufacturing many types of light shovel and similar products, the CHASESIDE ENGINEERING Co., LTD., Enfield, will display on Stand 129 its Demon shovel and a 24-cubic-yd. dumper. The principal point of the former is its ability to shovel and lift, say, yd. of material at a time up to a clearance of 11 ft. 3 ins. The engine of the dumper develops 52 b.h.p. and the power available, combined with the stability afforded by carrying the weight well within the widely spread wheels, enables the machine to negotiate the roughest ground.
Four machines will comprise the • exhibit of DENNIS BROTHERS, LTD.,
Guildford, on S) -Id 160. Three of
them will be refuse collectors and the other a 700-gallon gully-emptier, in which the maker's 9-ft. 6-in.-wheelbase normal-control chassis is used. By the addition of special, fitments, the scope of the appliance can be widened.
Types of Refuse Collector..
Three different types of refuse collector will be on view.. One will be a container— type on a forward-control chassis with an 11-it. 6-in, wheelbase, this being intended mainly for collecting refuse from flats, hotels, etc., the back premises of which are often inaccessible. The containers are transported on a quick-lift pneumatic-tyred bogie with telescopic handles, and hoisted aboard the vehicle by cable and winch with a foolproof locking device. The machine carries four 1i-cubic-yd. containers, Then there will be a side-loading refuse collector with all-steel 7-cubic-yd. body, -having aluminium sliding shutters.
The final refuse :collector Will be a 10-cubic-yd. machine with a totally being a feature of particular importance in the case of forward-control chassis. This model embodies the Ricardo combustion chamber.
The 4 JUD and 4 JR types will also be on view, the latter being the larger engine. Both are four-cylindered models, designed to run on petrol or paraffin.
Of the two vehicles to be shown by ELECTRICARS, LTD., Lawley Street, Birmingham, on Stand 47; perhaps the 5-6-ton tractor, coupled, up to a refusecollection trailer of large capacity, will attract more attention. The tractor is an interesting outfit, with a high degree of manceuvrability. It will be seen in the company of a 2-ton runabout truck with a fixed-platform body.
The chief exhibits of interest to out readers on the stand (79) of JOHN FOWLER AND CO. (LEEDS), LTD., Leeds, will be the Precision oil-engined roller, which now has a plate frame instead of an open frame, resulting in improved appearance and greater comfort for the driver. This roller is available in severtl sizes, and is propelled by a Fowler-Sanders oil engine. A similar type of power unit is used in the crawler tractor, which has a maximum drawbar h.p. of 42 and a maximum belt h.p. of 47. The model exhibited will be the 4/40, with a four-cylindered engine.
THOMAS GREEN AND SON, LTD., Leeds, is to show two examples of its rollefs on Stand 65, the larger being driven by a two-cylindered oil engine, developing 20 b.h.p. at its governed speed of 1,000 r.p.m.
Its companion on the stand will be a petrol roller for general-utility duties, including footpath work. The narrow u51 overall width of 3 ft. 2 ins, permits its use on most footpaths, and an alternative rolling width of 5 ft. renders it a paying proposition for grass rolling. The change in rolling widths is accomplished by changing the rims of the rear wheels—an operation which takes only a few minutes.
A 3-ton low-loading trailer will figure among the exhibits. of JOHNSTON BROTHERS (CONTRACTORS), LTD., 35, Crutched Friars, London, E.C.3, on Stand 41. It is built for the transport of concrete mixers, tar boilers, air cornprzssors, footpath rollers, etc., from one working point to another at ordinary vehicle speeds, thus saving loss of time. It is of all-steel construction, with a standard type of forecarriage and a loading winch at the front end.
The Karrier Exhibits.
KARRIER MOTORS, LTD., Luton, intends to display, on Stand 141, three appliances from its wide range of municipal vehicles. One will be an RSC road sweeper and collector, which sprinkles, sweeps and automatically collects in a sequence of operations. A patented elevator mechanism transfers the refuse to the side-tipping body an spreads the load evenly to its full capacity of 90 cubic ft. (dry) or 60 cubic ft. (wet). Then there will be a Bantam 7-cubic-yd. low-loading collector with • a steel-lined body, protected by four steel sliding covers, hydraulic gear being provided for tipping.
The final exhibit will be a gullyemptier, with a capacity of 300 gallons of sludge and 200 gallons of clean water. The gully-emptying equipment is made by the Yorkshire concern, and the tank is tipped by hand-operated hydraulic gear.
The Lewin sweeper-collector has achieved much popularity in municipal circles, and types VSC and SSC will be available for inspection on Stand 106A, to be occupied by LEWIN ROAD SWEEPERS, LTD., Leeds. The basis of each model is a Bedford short-wheelbase chassis, suitably modified. The refuse capacity of the VSC is 100 cubic ft. and of the SSC 120 cubic ft., and each is equipped with tandem channel brushes. The former is adaptable for decontamination work. The body of each model can be tipped to an angle of 52 degrees,
The new roller with a single-cylindered two-stroke oil engine is certain to attract attention on the stand (80) Of MARSHALL, SONS AND CO. (SUCCESSORS), LTD., Gainsborough..A 211-ton roller will also be on view and, whilst this is recognized as a footpath model, it is large enough for light rolling. It is propelled by a Blackstone two-cylindered oil engine.
The range of multi-cylindered oilengined rollers will be represented by a 102ton model with a Blackstone threecylindered engine. New to the Show will be the Marshall oil-engined tractor, equipped with Dunlop low-pressure pneumatic tyres.
On Stands :36 and 154 will be shown examples af Caterpillar tractors and La Plante-Choate bulldozers, together with B52
a wide variety of allied equipment, made for use with Caterpillar machines, which are handled in this country by JACK OLDING AND Co., LTD., 101, Grosvenor Road, London, SW.!. The RD-7 61 h.p. tractor will be shown with a new Le Tourneau scraper, whilst the RD-8 45 h.p. tractor will be fittzd with a La Plante-Choate hydraulically operated angledozer.
Included amongst the exhibits of F. PERKINS, LTD., Peterborough, On Stand 233, will be examples of the new Panther, Puma and Python oil engines, which have iecently been introduced. The first-named is a six-cylindered unit, with an output of 66 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m., whilst the Python is a three-cylindered unit with an output of 33 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m, It will be adapted to illustrate its use for beltdriven applications. Then there will be an example of the Leopard H
engine, which develops 46 b.h.p. at 1,500 r.p.m. The Leopard engine will also be shown, in modified form, for tractors of the Fordson type.
One of the most imposing displays will be by SCAMMELL LORRIES, LTD., Watford (Stand 135), which has arranged to exhibit a mechanical-horse motive unit, coupled up to a 1,200gallon street-washing carrier, a similar unit in conjunction with a verticaltype refuse-bin carrier, a 6-cubic-yd.• three-wheeled refuse collector and a mechanical-horse motive unit with an Eagle 15-cubic-yd. Compressmore refuse-collecting carrier.
For each of the carrier machines, the 3-ton mechanical horse is used, and, in the case of the street washer, the engine drives a single-stage volute pump, with an output of 220 g.p.m. at pressures up to 100 lb. per sq. in. A monitor jet is fitted for decontamina
tion work after air raids. The bin carrier has accommodation for six bins, which are transferred from a jack trolley housed on the machine during transit. The three-wheeled collector has a body hand tipped by Edbro hydraulic gear. The loading apertures are covered by spring-balanced roller shutters.
A variety of mowers will be shown On the Stand (123) of ALEXANDERSHANKS AND SON, LTD., 66, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, the 36-in. Rajah model, a heavy-duty machine for cricket grounds, small parks, etc., being of chief interest.
A regular supporter of the exhibition, SHELVOKE AND DREWRY, LTD., Letch-. worth, intends to display, on Stand 137, four refuse collectors, in the company of a gully-emptier, equipped with power washing and sprinkling apparatus, which can be adapted for auxiliary fire-fighting and gas decontamination. The refuse collectors will be 10-cubicyd. and 15-cubic-yd. models, and the latter will embody an S.D. moving floor. A new model with a number of unique features will also be on view.
The Transport propeller refuse collector is designed to compress house refuse during loading, and thus help in reducing collection The Marshall pneumatictyred tractor with medaansize winch and anchor.
costs. The body is made in cylindrical forth, and the refuse is fed into it by means of worm conveyors. The extent of compression may be adjusted to suit light or heavy materials and speed of entry may be varied to keep pace with six or more loaders. The body measures 13 cubic yds. and will accommodate six tons or more of refuse. The chassis serving as its basis is a Dennis sixwheeler. A saloon-type cab is fitted, and accommodation is provided in the body for saleable refuse, loaders' clothing, etc. The exhibit will be shown on Stand 120 by TRANSPORT ENGINEERING, LTD., 561, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1.
Two road-gritting appliances will he on view on the stand (43) of TUICE AND BELL, LTD . , Lichfield, Staffs, one being an independent machine for trailing behind any type of motor vehicle.
Advance rollers, the product of WALLIS AND STEEVENS, LTD., Basingstoke, will be represented on Stand 99 by four machines: two of them oilengined. One is a 6-8-ton outfit and the other a 4-tonner; the lighter machine is suitable for footpath and general work. Then there will be a quick-reverse steam roller, with waterballast rolls, and a lightweight petrol roller, equipped with a Morris industrial 14.5 h.p. engine.