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No Fuel Records: Company Fined

12th October 1951
Page 36
Page 36, 12th October 1951 — No Fuel Records: Company Fined
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A LIVERPOOL coach proprietor, MacShane Commercial Motors, Ltd., was summoned at Liverpool magistrates' court, last week, for contravening the Heavy Oils (Road Fuel) Regulations. It was alleged that the company failed to balance a record of heavy oils intended for use as fuel in seven coaches and did not keep detailed records of the receipt and use of all heavy oils supplied for the vehicles.

Mr. R. D. Broughton, who prosecuted, said that oil receipts and issues had not been posted since June, 1950, and the mileage record was not up to date.

Mr. D. H. Mace, for the defendant, said that the company derived no advantage from the use of oil fuel, as it was not subject to any rebate of duty. Although the keeping of records was obligatory, no official form was sup plied. An assurance was given that records would be properly kept in the future,

The company was fitted £.10, with £4 4s. costs. Walter MacShane, director, was fined £4 for aiding and abetting.