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Conservatives Pledged to Abandon Area Schemes and Sell B.T.C. Bus Interests H OW, if the Socialists be thrown out on October...
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O NE impression which the observer might take away from the annual congress of the Royal Society for the Prevention of...
World Prices of Shell Products E XPORTERS of motor vehicles and people likely -J-0 to travel abroad by road often wish to know...
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That Maidstone is at present _— turning a stony. face to B.E.T. - advances. " Where's the governor? In the Solex." What's in...
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Even When Maximum Permitted Overall Length is Exceeded, says High Court ply a majority judgment, the King's Bench Divisional...
T HE Transport Arbitration Tribunal has increased the compensation for cessation of business, payable to Mr. William Elrick,...
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QPEAKING at Newport, Mon. List 1 , -)w - eek, Mr. Peter ThorneyZroft, M.P.., chairman of die Conservative Transport Committee,...
"j HAVE never known a ease where 1 so much assistance has been given to an appellant. We advised Mr. Henry Wragg that he should...
B ECAUSE of rising costs, the British Transport Commission's draft passenger charges scheme will no produce sufficient revenue...
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MR. C. E. A. CAUSION has been appointed head of the garage-equipment division of the Marsham Tyre Co., Ltd. MR H. J SATCHWELL,...
A LIVERPOOL coach proprietor, MacShane Commercial Motors, Ltd., was summoned at Liverpool magistrates' court, last week, for...
G UTBROD commercial vehicles are to be produced in quantity in South Africa by the Swiss South African Engineering Corporation...
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A N application for an all-round wage increase of 6d. per hour for employees in the bodybuilding industry has been rejected by...
some £41h. a year would be possible from the expenditure of £35m. on the Midlands to South Wales trunk roads. This statement...
future legislation does the furniture removal trade require? This is one of the questions which will be Considered at the...
H ONV should the depreciation of ex-W.D. vehicles taken over by the British Transport Commission from hauliers be assessed?...
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G RANTING Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and its associated concerns, what was described as the first application for...
T HE Road Haulage Association has protested to the Ministry of Transport against certain of the provisions of the Motor...
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for articulated vehicles, because of the advantages of interchangeability. This statement was made by Mr, R. P. Bowyer, R.H.E....
THE rates committee of the Metro' politan and South-eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association has recommended the following...
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Buses for Liverpool D ELIVERY has commenced of 50 double-deck buses for Liverpool Transport Department. They are based on...
AAANUFACTURERS in the London al area have been approached by an agent who gives a South-east Metropolitan postal-district...
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D ISCUSSION on the pros and cons of denationalization proceeds apace, as if a Conservative victory in the General Election were...
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C ROWDS at the Paris.Show are gathering round the Laftli7,kand daily to gaze at the gas turbine 10-tonner,.which;as...
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rHE SAFE WAY Regulations Concerning Vehicle Stopping Distances Require Clarification and a Definite Limit should be Specified:...
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A BATTERY-POWERED refrigeration plant is a feature of a mobile butcher's shop recently put into service by Cardiff Co-operative...
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Transport Managers of 25 West Middlesex Manufacturers meet Monthly to Discuss Mutual Traffic Problems W EST .MIDDLESEX is...
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I AM not at all sure that I welcome 1 the idea of the correspondence space in your worthy journal becoming a cockpit of...
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• X-- 1 forum at the annual congress of the Royal Society for the Prevention of' Accidents, in London, last week, the Minister...
ii Engine Development HE new chairman of the Auto ri1 mobile Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. CB....
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T HE Loyd Dragon track laying tractor, with earth-moving equipment, gave an impressive account of itself during a three-day...
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Hauliers Restricted to the 25-mule Limit are . Faced with Economic Considerations Concerning the Operation: of Heavy Lorries...
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L AST week, a Foden . two-stroke rear-erigined coach, with bodywork by Metalcraft (Staffs), Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent, left Sandbach...