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Breaches of Law Alleged

12th September 1952
Page 32
Page 32, 12th September 1952 — Breaches of Law Alleged
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A LLEGAT1ONS of "the most I-% flagrant breaches of the law" were made before the Western Licensing Authority, last week, when Bere Regis and District Motor Services applied to run coaches from Portland to Devonport, Portsmouth and London for the benefit of sailors stationed at H.M.S. Osprey. The firm were unsuccessful.

Mr. A. C. F. Windeatt, for the objectors, the Railway Executive, the Southern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and a Weymouth operator, said that Lt. R. A. J. Hannam, Welfare officer of H.M.S. Osprey, had ignored the licensed operators and had hired coaches from the applicant, who had run vehicles regularly and knew that separate fares were being charged. For the applicants, Mr. J. Scott Henderson stated that the naval authorities had to change their arrangements because of the complaints they received. There had been no illegal running. His clients had acted at the request of the Navy after consulting the Ministry of Transport.

The Authority said that existing licensed facilities appeared to be adequate for all naval personnel.


THE maker of the Limpet engine heater. Elton (London), Ltd., Strathmore Road, Croydon, has simplified the design and lowered, the homemarket price. The ebonite top cover has been removed and a simple threewire connector block added. ' This allows the user to fit his own type and length of cable.,