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S was only to be expected, the composite resolution condemning the proposals contained in the Government's White Paper ."...
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I NFORMAT1ON regarding transport in other .1 countries, particularly those which, for one reason or other, most people find...
Something Like a Test O PERATORS, bodybuilders and chassis manufacturers alike have learned to respect the motor Industry...
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Steer in safety by having safe steering. "If they become much lighter, the weighbridges won't register." "What we want now is...
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T HE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT has refused to accept the proposals of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and...
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A N official of the Railway Executive admitted before the Scottish 1 Th Licensing Authority on Monday that the Executive anil...
A COMPOSITE resolution against the Government's transport proposals was carried unanimously at the Trades Union Congress at...
rl A RESOLUTION protesting against the Government's plan to denationalize road transport was issued by the Labour Party in...
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A LLEGAT1ONS of "the most I - % flagrant breaches of the law" were made before the Western Licensing Authority, last week, when...
MR. NORMAN P. BIGGS has been apointed a director of the E,sso Petroleum Co., Ltd. He has had great experience in banking. MR....
Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., fitted with passenger-address equipment, by means of which the driver can inform the passengers of the...
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M R. CHURCHILL said at Woodford, last Saturday, that the Transport Bill would be introduced in the new session of Parliament in...
T HE patronage of li.M. The Queen has been granted to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The council of the Institution...
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P ROPOSALS aimed at increasing pooled revenue by £35,040 a year, were put before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority this week...
A N unscripted debate on the denationalization of road haulage will take place on the Midland Home Service of the B.B.C. at...
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A WIDE range of British chassis is displayed at the Copenhagen Commercial Motor Show, which opened last Friday and closes on...
a week has been requested by 7,000 employees of Coras Tompair Eireann. Alar, Ltd., 3, Albemarle Street. London, W.1, has...
T HE committee of investigation into the causes of a dispute between Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., and the National Union of...
A REORGANIZATION of its wholePi sale and retail trade in WoodheadMonroe shock absorbers is being undertaken by Jonas Woodhead...
T HE name of Metropolitan-CammellWeyrnann Motor Bodies, Ltd., Vickers House, Broadway, London, S.W.1, was changed on August 25...
G ERMANY is experimenting with gas turbines in goods and passenger vehicles, Dr. Staniewicz, chief engineer of the Bussing...
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CEVERAL important bus companies ..../are experimenting with vehicles carrying large standing loads. Among them is the South...
Dorset and South Wales, a new depot covering 20,000 sq. ft. has been opened in Whitehouse Street, Bedminster, *Bristol, by...
of passenger transport would be completed in the whole of Maharashtra and Karnatak and in several parts of Gujerat, said Mr. V....
A NcW bus station at Wakefield, which cost £60.000 to build, is to be opened by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Maj. F. S....
A NEW oil engine and a petrol unit of 31-in, bore and 4-in, stroke are now being produced for the David Brown Taskmaster...
A NEW book, "Who's Who in the Motor Industry, 1952," has been published by Messrs. Roland C. Bellamy Publications, St_ Mary's...
subsidy on agricultural lime T H al its transport is to be continued for another two years as from August 1. The scheme which...
T HE annual Scammell ball and cabaret will be held at Watford .Town Hall on October 17. Tickets at £1 Is. each, inclusive of...
Semi-trailer A S the organization responsible for il building and maintaining the bodies of the large fleet operated by United...
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foot was the description of the god Hermes, whose name has been appropriated by Metropolitan-CammellWeymann Motor Bodies, Ltd.,...
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WO new underfloor engined chassis, the Stork 3-tonncr and Lancet U.F. passenger model, will be exhibited by Dennis Bros., Ltd.,...
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Three 4 x Models A I-ton General-purpose Military Vehicle and a 5-cwt. Jeep-type Machine Filling Two Distinct Roles T HREE...
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CENTR ENGI1 0 NE of the novelties of the Commercial Motor Show will be the latest Seddon 32-seater bus with a vertical engine...
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A N integrally constructed single-deck bus body, for use with underflooror rear-engined chassis, will be one of the principal...
I MPARTIAL testing of new applicants 1 for positions as commercial-vehicle drivers has always presented a problem to operators,...
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An All-purpose 4 x 4, a 30-cwt. Van and a 5-tonner Added to Range of Vehicles for Export . A MONG the new vehicles to be shown...
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FLAT four-cylindered engine and a three-cylindered unit have been introduced into the Perkins range of oil engines for...
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Metal wear is no new problem to engineers or research workers, but the work at Thornton has been transformed almost overnight...
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S EEN in retrospect, there is a wistful naiveté gilding the confidence with which, in the early stages of its campaign to free...
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A 6-TON six-wheel-drive chassis, built for cross-country operation and weighing under four tons, has been developed by...
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Dodge 7-tonner is a Largescale Version of the Present Range, to be Available with Petrol or Oil Engine A 7 TON semi forward...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.t.Mech.E. Accurate Statistical Records Affecting Every Phase of Operation are Kept by Milan...
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When the Provisions of the Transport Bill Regarding the Duties of Applicants for and Objectors to Carriers' Licences Come into...
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and George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., 13-14, Ashley Place, London, S.W.1, and shows the latest ideas on using rubber as a...