Denationalization Aired
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AN unscripted debate on the denationalization of road haulage will take place on the Midland Home Service of the B.B.C. at 9.15 p.m. on September 18.
Mr. C. Wilson, principal of University College, Leicester, will -be in the chair. The team will consist of Mr. F. Cousins, national secretary of the road transport commercial services group of the Transport and' General Workers' Union, Mr. J. H. Male, national vicechairman of the Road Haulage Association, Professor G. Walker, professor of economics,' Birmingham University, and Mr. C.S. Dunbar, transport consultant.
AT the Zagreb (Yugoslavia) Trade Fair, which opens to-day, a Leyland-M.C.W: Olympic 40-seater is being exhibited by the B.S.E. Co., Ltd., which recently purchased the vehicle. The machine is 32 ft. long.
Delivery was undertaken by a Leyland engineer, Mr. I. Radcliffe, who accompanied the three London buses on their recent American tour in a Leyland Comet van. He drove the Olympic 1,000 miles to Zagreb 'via Dunkirk, the Simplon Pass, Milan and Trieste.
T.R.T.A. DINNER-DANCE 1"HE annual dinner-dance of 'the I Traders' Road Transport Association will be held on November 5 at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London,
W.I. It is a purely social function, there being no speeches.,
\lip regret to record the death of LT.-COL. LESLIE SADLER, O.B.F. Lt.-Col. Sadler was a director of G. Beaton and Son, Ltd., and was managing director until 1946.