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Developments in Perkins Engines

12th September 1952
Page 46
Page 46, 12th September 1952 — Developments in Perkins Engines
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FLAT four-cylindered engine and a three-cylindered unit have been introduced into the Perkins range of oil engines for commercial vehicles. The horizontal engine is fitted amidship in the frame of the new Dennis Stork 3-tonner (see pages 170-172) and the three-cylindered unit will be shown in a 15-cwt. chassis at Earls Court.

The fiat engine, with an overall depth of 1 ft. 6,1 ins., width of 3 ft. 61. ins. and length of 3 ft. 3 ins., employs the standard cylinder block and crankcase of a normal Perkins four-cylindercd vertical unit. The power output is 52 b.h.p. at 2,400 r.p.m. and torque is 123 lb.-ft.

The unit has a new camshaft extended at the rear to drive the fuelinjection pump, a feature being that all the fuel-injection pipes are of equal length. A special bracket is supplied for the rear-mounted injection pump and a new sump is provided to suit he horizontal layout.

A single lubricating pump is employed, but the sump base plate B12 incorporates a baffle to assist pump priming. To xeduce the depth of the unit, the oil filter is attached to the sump and the breather pipe is connected into the oil-tiller pipe. A full-pressure supply is fed to the overhead rocker gear.

In the mounting points for this unit there is a stub pin at the timing case at the front and a single-bolt fixing, incorporated in the clutch hell housing, at the rear. Clutch units of 10-in. or 11-in, diameter can be fitted. C.A.V. fuel-injection equipment is standard, with an all-pneumatic governor for the pump.

Although no exhauster is fitted in the Stork chassis, provision is made in the design for a drive for such a unit. The dynamo has been removed from the engine, because in underfloorengined chassis it is normally mounted on the frame and shares a drive with the fan.

The three-cylindered engine is a normal-rated unit developing 32 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m. and 90 lb.-ft. torque. In common with the horizontal engine, it has a 31.4n. bore and 5-in, stroke, which is standard for the Perkins range. It has 12-Volt electrical equipment and a Kigass induction heater for cold starting.