Removing Bearings
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A-RANGE of bearing wedges has been introduced by the Martindale Electric Co., Ltd., Westmorland Road,. London, N.W.9, to overcome the problem of removing bearings, sprockets and gears which are flush against a surface and where there is insufficient space for the insertion of standard puller arms. The !quipment complements the company's range of pullers, The wedges are available in three sizes .tp to 51 in. The back of the bearing wedge is flat whilst the inside is concave sod has a finely tapered edge. This mables the halves of the wedge easily to Je inserted between 'the back plate, or )ther surface, and the object to be .emoved. The puller is then attached so hat the arms grip the bearing wedge irmly. Tightening of the wedge bolts 'orces both halves closer together until 'ull contact is obtained against the piece )eing removed.
Capacities and prices are as follows: 1-24 in., £1 12s.; 1-41 in., £3 6s.; 1-51 in., :6 13s. 4d.
The Motor Vehicle" -1ESCRIBED as a textbook by the
publishers (Iliffe, 45s.), the sixth dition of "The Motor Vehicle," by C.. Newton and W. Steeds, is, nevertheess, a volume of general interest to those oncerned with the operation and mainenance of road vehicles, covering within ts 684 pages most aspects of current utomobile engineering practice, in nonechnical terms wherever possible.
The new edition is 80 pages longer han its predecessor, and now contains eparate chapters on automatic translissions and supercharging. Latest levelopments in opposedand free-piston ngines are also described, and a section ; devoted to gas turbines.
In-seat" Starting
ZEVERAL new attachments for D4 and ) D6 tractors have been introduced by le Caterpillar Tractor Co., Ltd., 55 St. ames's Street, London, S.W.1. "In-seat :arting," which allows all engine starting perations to be performed from the perator's compartment, is a newly availble accessory for the D4. This attachtent may be ordered direct from the ictory on new machines, or may be tstalled on machines now in use which ave petrol starting engines either rnanu
fly electrically started.
For both D4 and D6 tractors operating rith front-mounted hydraulic equipment 1 atmospheric temperatures over 100° F., high-ambient-temperature radiator is vailable. It is recommended for use only overheating problems occur because f a combination of both the above ictors. The extra cooling capacity is not ceded on normal D4 and D6 tractors as le standard radiators are capable of iccessful cooling in ambient tempera
tures of 115° F. under continuous fullload operation. Reduced air flow through the radiator core of a tractor equipped with front-mounted apparatus restricts the efficiency of a standard radiator.
Further attachments, designed to allow these tractors to operate a full day without refuelling, are a 45-gal. fuel tank for the D4 which may replace the standard 30-gal, tank, and a.large-capacity fuel tank for the D6 rated at 60 gal. compared with the standard 48-gal. tank.
Two-switch Panel DRICED at 13s. 6d., the Bonne Minor
switch panel provides two pull-out switches and 'a two-pin socket, and may be fitted to the dash of a vehicle to which extra accessories are required to be attached. It supplements a four-switch panel, and measures 4+ in. by 11 in. There are lugs at the top for fitting. The makers are D. H. Bonnella and Son, Ltd., West Hill, Hoddesdon, Herts.
Single-rant Blade ANOVEL method of single-ram blade operation has been evolved by Bomford and Evershed, Ltd., Salford Priors, Evesham. A new blade known as the Sapper Powerdozer supersedes earlier models and is available for Fordson Major and Dexta, David Brown 900 and Livedrive, Nuffield 3 and 4, and International B-250 tractors.
The blade has been designed to operate within the power limits of the tractors and to require only a few attachment points. It is operated hydraulically by a small ram mounted beneath the tractor, an arrangement which leaves room at the front for other fitments.
Prices vary between £130 and £140. For more powerful types of tractor a double-acting ram and slightly larger blade are supplied.
Jerrican Stocks RECONDITIONED jerricans are obtainable from Cir cle Works (Blaby), Ltd., Verwood, Dorset. Big stocks are held of these 41-gal. containers and they are sold at the following prices: 100 and over, 10s. 6d. each; 50-99,
its, 6d.; 1-49, 12s. For drinking water, a can with a stewed-enamel interior finish is supplied at 15s. 9d. each, or 15s. 3d. for 1,000 and over.
Hose-clip Bands
THREADED band for making hose clips is now being offered by the Elms Garage, Birmingham, 31, in lengths of 1.000 ft., together with 'screws and housings. This enables customers to make up then own hose clips for nonstandard applications. The company also supply the band in lengths suitable to make clips of nin. diameter with screws and housings at LI 7s. for 36, or £4 10s. per gross.
Raising Over Pits AHOIST which allows vehicles to be raised when placed over pits is offered by Bellanger Bros. (London). Ltd., 306 Holloway Road, London, N.7. It consists of two substantial tubular members with heavy lugs at their ends and a pneumatic cylinder and piston. The lugs rest on flanges built up around the side of a pit so that the ram is centrally disposed. Rollers in the lugs allovi the unit to be moved along the flanges to any part of the pit.
The track of the unit is adjustable in width from 2 ft. 7+ in. to 3 ft. 14in. The ram can raise 3 tons through 1 ft. 2 in. and is priced at £62 10s.
In addition to these air-operated models, 3-ton and 6-ton manually operated hydraulic hoists are offered at £49 10s. and £65 10s. respectively.
Cleaning Cabs I NTENDED for cleaning out the interiors of cabs, the Vacbrush has been produced by Simplus Products, Ltd., 31 Alfred Place, London, W.C.1, at £6 Is. 4d. including purchase tax. A handy appliance, it comprises a circular bristle brush rotated by a mains electric motor. Dirt is drawn inside and collected by a filter, which can be cleaned by unscrewing the plastics housing.
Vehicle Radio COSTING £32 1 Is., including purchase tax, a vehicle radio incorporating two transistors has been produced by E. K. Cole, Ltd., Southend-on-Sea. Its consumption is 1 amp., and the output equals 4 w.