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Municipal Operators Champion the Cause of the Workers : End of Private Enterprise Sought T HIS week's conference of the...
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Reading Vehicle Instruments A N interesting point about cab design has been raised • by Mr. E. N. Corlett, of Birmingham...
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That despite the "No dogs allowed " notices, the Thornycroft Mastiff will still appear at Earls Court. That, presumably, it...
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A PPLYING for new A licences to cover vehicles at four Scottish bases, B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., made a last-minute change in...
WHEN E. W. Shelton, Ltd., Devonshire YV Street, Keighley, agreed to restrict their normal user, the British Transport...
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Haulage, Ltd., were trying to establish a haulage monopoly along with British Road Services in the north of Scotland was denied...
A N application by Mr. IL Parkinson, Blackpool, to take over an A licence held by G. E. Curry, Ltd., was relisted on Tuesday by...
T HE census of potential traffic for a Tay road bridge has shown that 3,220 vehicles would use such a bridge daily. This...
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L 0 authorities authorities frequently say Le there is a need to build a new bus station on the score that it Would remove a...
M. G. W. KELLAND has been appointed public relations officer of the Birfield Group. MR. REG JACKSON-COX, technical liaison...
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IN addition to the two air-sprung pas senger vehicles to be exhibited at Earls Court by Guy Motors, Ltd. (announced...
W ITH the introduction of winter timetables on Sunday, the Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., will extend the use of one-man buses...
A SHORTAGE of tippers in their area was claimed by J. Ball and Sons, Hesketh Bank (Lanes), when they applied for a 5-ton...
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E . . VOLVED by F. E. Callow (Engineers), 1 —■ Ltd., Kirkby Industrial Estate, Liverpool, to provide an easy means for...
B y an overwhelming majority, the Trades Union Congress last week called for renationalization of road transport as part of the...
seven vehicles was secured by Farnley Sand and Gravel (Sales), Ltd., Knolford Nook (Yorks). when they appeared before the...
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I T is essential that Highland bus services should be kept running, so the big companies who have the plum services must accept...
D ESPITE the heavy rainfall this summer, the contractors building Britain's first motorway have been forging ahead with their...
I F excursions to such places as sports grounds were allowed merely because people did not like changing vehicles en route it...
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n ETA1LS of the four tests to be used in the final of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at the Civic Aerodrome at...
1 - 3. A NEW type of traffic-light controller has been developed by the Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., 8 Arundel...
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T HE Tote system of bulk material handling is to be offered on a wide scale to customers by British Railways. Pressoturn, Ltd.,...
T o provide a special bus for the Leeds Kosher school meals service a private operator in the city had quoted 10s. a day, and...
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A TYPICAL product of T.T. Boughton and Sons, Ltd., AmerTharn Common, Bucks, a 25-ton timber winch on an A.E.C. Matador...
i RREGULAR B-licence activities by a Lincoln haulage concern were reported to the East Midlands Licensing Authority "by a...
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A -RANGE of bearing wedges has been introduced by the Martindale Electric Co., Ltd., Westmorland Road,. London, N.W.9, to...
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Twelve New Normal-control Models : Vehicles have 16-in. Wheels: Range Includes 7-tonners : New Cab Design A RANGE of 12 new...
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rLA1MED to be the largest outfit of its kind in the world, an articulated vehicle for carrying 70 tons of opencast coal has...
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T WO completely new models of Widely differing applications, and ,widespread additions to an existing range, are announced...
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F OLLOWING the success of their Trusty eight-wheeler, Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., Basingstoke, . . have now...
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bumper, and the maximum recommended body length is 24 ft. The laden frame height at the rear bogie is 3 ft, 10 in. The front...
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U NTIL the elevation of the Ivory Tower, it did not occur to road transport operators that there was something peculiarly...
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R EADING a paper on "Labour Relations in the Municipal Passenger Transport Industry" at the annual conference of the Municipal...
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M R. MORTON proposed that county councils and some other local authorities should, with the existing bus-operating...
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THOUGHT to be the first application 1 in this country of air suspension to a semi-trailer bogie employing twin axles in...
r be manufactured in this country by Jensen Motors, Ltd., West Bromwich, Staffs, under licence from the Tempowerk Co., Hamburg,...
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PECIALISTS in the fabrication of light-alloy bodies and containers for ;early 40 years, the Duramin Engineering - 2o., Ltd.,...
U SING Hydrair piston-type suspension units, the Le Tourneau-Westinghouse Co.. of America, have produced a 32-ton dump truck...
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More Powerful Engines and Improved Braking Mark Design Trends in Heavy-vehicle Makers' Range: Wider Radiators Enhance...
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A N articulated out fi t, a drum-and-cable winch with hydrostatic operation, a hydraulically actuated three-point lifting...
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Comprehensive Rates Schedules Tend to Apply to This Highly Specialized Class of Traffic A GRICULTURAL traffic of all kinds...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk A s 1 read the paper by Mr. Norman Morton, general manager ! -- 1 of Sunderland Transport...
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nNE of the Leyland exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show will be a Royal Tiger Worldmaster LCRTI.1 lefthand-drive...
• WITH exterior lines fully in keeping vY with contemporary styling, a new 41-seat luxury coach body by Plaxtons (Scarborough),...