Southdown's tours licence to be tightened up?
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CLAIMS that the Traffic Commissioners were 'threatening to decimate Southdown's tours operations were made at a hearing at Eastbourne laSt week by Mr David Bending, Southdown traffic manager. At a 'previous hearing (CM August 1) Southdown had admitted running some 'tours without licences and the Commissioners had reluctantly given approval for the August tours programme to go ahead.
But Southdown is being kept in suspense for the final decision of the Commissioners, who have indicated that the condition that allows Southdown tours to pick up anywhere in the area covered by their Stage carriage services is no longer 'acceptable.
On Tuesday of last week the company offered a list of suggested feeder routes which it wanted the Commissioners to consider with the separate tour 'licences in place of the previous arrangements. Southdown solicitor, Mr Brian Morgan, said feeder services were needed if the Commissitmers intended to scrap the general condition used in the past by the company for picking up ooach passengers.
The Commissioners had warned Southdown that they were proposing to vary the conditions of their licence so that each tips should start and end at either Brighton or Portsmouth.
They were prepared to allow a 'restricted number of picking-up points en route.
Mr Martin Harris, National Travel SE tours superintendent, told the Commissioners the company would be left in a vacuum if the licence was altered as intended. He said the company had been operating for years under the old conditions and the Commissioners had renewed the licence year after year.
However, since the Cornniissioners now found the conditions unacceptable, revised 'application from the company already submitted ought to be heard first before any fresh conditions were imposed.
Mr Morgan pointed out that many pick-up pc-Ants on tours remaining 'this season could net be used under the new conditions. It would be unreasonable for the Conunissioners to use their powers in such a way as to leave the public With a poorer service. Whele series Of tours were in danger of being wiped out : 27 from Chichester would be Slashed to 13; 34 from Worthing would be reduced to 15; and 28 from Newhaven would completely disappear.
"The Commissioners may feel these changes are desirable, but in our view it is butchery," said Mr Morgan. The 'conditions would cut the heart out of the tours licence and be against the public 'interest. In his View it would be quite wrong for the Commissioners to 'confirm the variation without including feeders as well.
Alt the end of the hearing the Commissioners announced they would be reserving their decision on proposals they had in mind to tighten up the conditions of SoUthdown's tours licence. They felt previous conditions gave the company too much flexibility and were open to a variety of interpretations.
The hearing Will be resumed on OctOber 6 when the Commissioners war also consider, the licensing .arrangements for SoUthdown's Continental tours.