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'lebensraum' In German Maxi-coach
Articulated doubledecker at Frankfurt CONTINUING a tradition of producing unusual vehicles and bodywork in the huge exhibition area supporting the chassis makers' displays, the......
Earlier This Year It Was Stated In "know The Law"
that hazard warning lights could only be used in certain circumstances— which did not include being parked for unloading purposes. I believe this has been changed: can you quote......
Q Are There Any Problems About Accepting A Contract For Land
clearance in France? Can 1 transport the necessary plant to France on the tippers which I would use there? All paper work such as carnets, insurance and so on have been taken......
Q Is There Any Law Forbidding The Carriage Of Passengers By
commercial vehicles? Especially during school holidays I see children in the driving cabs of heavy goods vehicles and they seem to be at risk should an accident occur. As I......
Q For Use On Building Sites We Have A Four-wheel Drive
vehicle on which is mounted a scissors-lift platform. Can this be considered a "tower wagon" and can we claim exemption from Excise Duty? If not, what should it be taxed as? A......
Q I Am Considering Setting X Up A Vehicle Recovery Business
using towing ambulances. Can you tell me what regulations cover their use and what restrictions are in force? A . The use of towing ambu lances is governed by the provisions of......