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Mr. Bevins, the sponsor of the Bill, the committee agreed

13th April 1951, Page 27
13th April 1951
Page 27
Page 27, 13th April 1951 — Mr. Bevins, the sponsor of the Bill, the committee agreed
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to remit to the House a special report stating that the committee had considered the Bill and had disagreed with the clauses. Services could be obtained only by increasing charges, and that this course was impracticable in the face of exist

ing competition. The Tribunal was disappointed by this observation.

In advising the Minister of Transport to authorize the 10 per ceni increase, the Tribunal said that unless substantial economies could be made, the Commission's financial position would still not be stabilized. At present rates there would be losses, this year, of £24m. on the railways. Ulm. on the docks and canals, and £4m. on London Transport. A profit of f5fm. would be made on other activities. By the end of this year the B.T.C.'s deficit would have increased to £65m.


WE regret to record the death of llry MR. C. H. STAFFeao, who, until last October, when he retired, was general manager of Leicester Transport Department, He was 60. He was formerly general manager of the Burnley, Colne and Nelson undertaking. While at Leicester, he guidedthe conversion of tram services to motorbus operation, a task which was expected to take five years, but was completed in 12 months.

MR. SIDNEY WOLFE, founder and, until recently, chairman and governing director of Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., died recently at the age of 80.