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tion far more than is Needed to Allow required to construct an adeto be Handled • quate system of highways and to keep existing...
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Doubts on Fruit, THE fact that increasing Flower and Vegetable I reliance is being placed on Transport road transport by fruit...
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That many ancillary users are unaware of the threat to the C-licensee. That more operators are turning to the medium-capacity...
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iiyiE regret to announce the death of vy Sir HENRY PIG00117, KT., 'C.B. C.B.E., Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority, at the...
All Clauses Defeated by 25-23 Vote : Special Report to the Commons nN Tuesday, the Committee Stage on the Transport...
NAANY traders who were opposed to IV! nationalization on political grounds were giving preference to the private haulier or...
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WHAT was described as a " revoluVV tionary decision " by the South Wales Licensing Attthority, on an application by the Western...
E VEN if a freight scheme be lodged Lain August next, it is unlikely that a complete road and rail charges scheme will be in...
'THE Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered another blow at road transport in the Budget, on Tuesday, when he increased the tax...
to remit to the House a special report stating that the committee had considered the Bill and had disagreed with the clauses....
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A T a hearing of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, last week, the application of the Yorkshire Traction Co., Ltd., Barnsley,...
A CLAIM for higher pay and better rlconditions ofwork has been made by the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union for 1,158...
Plan for New Furniture? A s a result of strong criticism by manufacturers of the facilitiesoffered for the transport of new...
.B ECAUSE the first order is not work ing the Municipality of Istanbul is not to place a second contract for 50 motorbuses from...
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S IXTY Leyland Royal Tiger 44-seat service buses have been ordered by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. The vehicles will be 30 ft....
E Nyious eyes were being cast upon C-licence transport by the nationalized road transport services, said Col. Arthur Jerret,...
HE question whether seven-day coach tours from places in Cumberland and Westmorland to Paris for £21 and Ostend for £20 would...
of British Road Services, the Road -Haulage . Executive has published a comprehensive gazetteer of its 1,330 depots. One...
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A REPORT of a Royal Commission on Transportation in Canada has been hailed as a victory for road trans port by Mr. John Magee,...
F OLLOW1NG the statement in "The 11 Economist" (reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week) that foreign vehicles might be...
Last year Italy made 15,159 vans, 8,404 lorries and 2,980 buses: A Preston and district centre of the Institute of Traffic...
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T HE Minister of Transport is to help operators to find a site for a coach station in North London. He gave this information...
EINES totalling £136, with ill 28. 4d. I . costs, were imposed by the Wolverhampton stipendiary magistrate, last week, on...
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. Rising Charges WHEN Lord Lucas of Chilwortls, VI' Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, spoke at the annual...
T HE motor industry was in an unnatural condition, said Lord Brabazon of Tara, at the annual dinner of the Institute of the...
R EARMAMENT could not be carried out without serious and growing effects on all industry, although transport might suffer less...
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F OLLOW1NG the introduction last autumn of the Atkinson export passenger chassis, a new model has -been developed for the home...
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Tackling othe Problems Associated t /1the Handling, Transport and Delivery of Acids. Fumes that Rapidly Destroy Body Finishes...
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rAST Priday," at ' Mayfield; Sussex, I. BrockhOuse and Co., - Ltd:. Victoria Works, Hill Top, West Bromwich, demonstrated the...
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Nuns Fret Not W ' HETHER or not it be true, I like the story I heard the other day about a fleet of buses hired to drive...
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By L. J. COTTON, A HIGH cruising speed, coupled with smoothness of suspension, safe cornering and quiet travel. are features of...
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T URIN greeted me with true Italian hospitality — brilliant • sunshine, immediate visits from the chief of the Show Press...
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Our Costs Expert Continues -His Examination of the Special Problems of Furniture Removers and Gives Examples of the Way to...
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C LAIMED to be a great step forward in meat transport, both in design and in hygiene, new meat-transport vehicles built by...
MR. STANLEY S. DAWES, M.I.Meot.E., was last week re-elected, for the fifth time, president of the Institute of the Motor...
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A ' unorthodox transmission scheme forms the • subject of patent 'No. 650,672, the patentee being S. A. Andre Citroen, Paris....