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Motor Industry's " Unnatural " State

13th April 1951, Page 32
13th April 1951
Page 32
Page 32, 13th April 1951 — Motor Industry's " Unnatural " State
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THE motor industry was in an unnatural condition, said Lord Brabazon of Tara, at the annual dinner of the Institute of the Motor Industry, last week. Users were compelled to buy British vehicles and could not, therefore, compare the merits of British and foreign models. This was, he said. "a most unhealthy situation?'

Sir Rowland Smith, chairman of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., stressed the urgent need for trained men. He said that early in its career the motor industry had recognized the necessity of balanced education for its workpeople, and he paid tribute to Sir Charles Bartlett, managing director of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., for his pioneer work in this direction. Sir Rowland thought that too much reliance was being placed on industrial psychology in measuring technical ability.

Mr. George Tomlinson, Minister of Education, emphasized the importance of stimulating the interest of men on the floor in their work.

Other speakers were Sir Godfrey Russell Vick, K.C., Mr. Stanley S. Dawes and 'Sir Charles Bartlett. Mr. Dawes presided.


THE recent restrictions imposed by the French authorities upon coach operators taking their vehicles across the Channel have been varied. It is now stated that before leaving the French ferry ports vehicles must report to the police at the maritime railway stations, and not the central police stations, as formerly.


COURSES on the technology of synthetic-resin adhesives are to be held by Aero Research, Ltd., Duxford, Cambridge, from September 23-29. One is for woodworkers and another is for engineers.The foe per head is £10 10s. Application for enrolment should be made to the company.