Passing Comments
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Leaving a Tracto r A FARMER, faced with co do its Own r-Isorne urgent Ploughing, but
Ploughing . . , desiring to attend a farm auction, put his Forclson tractor in the centre of a 40-acre field, tied the steering wheel somewhat slackly and left the machine to carry on with its work of ploughing in circles, which it did in a most satisfactory manner.
Horse Drivers Getrt RIVING . to the office away with Obstruction L-Irecently, we were faced,
Offences in a comparatively narrow
London street, with a horse and cart which had been left by the carter in a position directly across the road, leaving room for only one car to pass. A police constable strolled by, and despite the fact that the road was obstructed, and for no apparent reason, he ignored the situation cornplete13-. One's thoughts immediately turned to the policeman'S probable line -of action had the obstruction beea caused by a motor vehicle. A fine of at least 10s. would seem the likely result. Showman's Vehicle IN our issue dated NovemConstructed from a I ber 22 we suggested the need Converted Chassis . for a light but powerful show man's tractor. Watts (Factors), Ltd., Lydney, Glos., tells us that it has converted a chassis for this purpose by fitting a Gardner 6LW engine driving a 110-volt dynamo to give 300 amps. The conversion has been working well since last August.
Mr. Stirk A v oi d s A DENIAL that he had exMaking Criticisms of r-kpressed the opinion that Vehicle Types . , , the rigid vehicle is more de
sirable than the articulated on the score of safety, has been sent to a member of the Society, of Motor Manufacturers and Traders by Mr. J. H. Stirk, Licensing Authority for the East Midland Traffic Area. His remarks,. he says, concerned one Case, when he said that, in this instance, the new rigid vehicles applied for would be safer than articulated vehicles made up of tractor units and old-fashioned lorries.
Orders From the A LTHOUGH the Olympia Show No Starting to r-k Show' is now but a memory
Mature manufacturers who were ex hibitors are already beginning to benefit from their participation in this year's event. Many firm orders were, of course, placed at the Show, principally by big-fleet owners, but the smaller operator, • who has now had a chance of weighing up the respective merits of competitive types, is placing his orders, as witness the growing list of names on the order books of all the leading makers.
The Learner's Badge WHEN he opened the recent for New Cyclists: A " Cycle and Motor Cycle Suggestion . . . • Show, the Minister of Trans port made it known that in the past seven years the casualties to cyclists had risen by 144 per cent. Could any better argument be employed for the adoption of separate tracks for cyclists on main roads? Perhaps the letter "L" carried by newcomers to the pastime would also reduce the risks of motor drivers, who are often put in tight corners by the uncertainty of the movements of a cyclist or a pack of them spreadeagled across the road ! The great increase in casualties to cyclists can hardly be the guilt of the motor user. •
Keeping the Garage IL and grease are said to Floor Fres II a n d \-1 be the most difficult sub Clean stances to clean off garage
floors which are constructed of concrete. It is suggested that one or two applications of ordinary cement sprinkled over the soiled patches, allowed, to remain a day or two and then brushed off will prove' an effective remedy.
Gleanings from the I T has, on several occasions,
Fuel Research Board been suggested that the Report greatly reduced consumption of coal in recent years in this country is due largely to the replacement of coal by oil. It is of interest, therefore, that the report of the Fuel Research Board for the year ended March], 1035, shows that this is not the case, and that the decrease is accounted for by the increased efficiency of practically every process for which coal is used. On the subject of home-produced oil and motorspirit from coal, it has been found that hydrogenation does not necessarily require high pressures, and the increasing knowledge of catalysts has enabled a process to be evolved for treating, at atmospheric pressure, acids present in coal-tar from gasworks and coke ovens, to obtain good motor spirit.