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F EW persons can claim fully to understand the position concerning the wa g es and working conditions of goods-transport...
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Leaving a Tracto r A FARMER, faced with co do its Own r - Isorne urgent Ploughing, but Ploughing . . , desiring to attend a...
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Of air-conditioning in the air. Of too much speed across green signals. That some magistrates are making...
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DELAY IN CONCILIATION . DECISIONS. It is unlikely that the decisions of the appeals committee of the National Joint...
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T O excess of zeal on the part of tbe men and slackness on the part of a clerk were attributed what the prosecution described...
Q the occasion of the annual general meeting of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Mr. C. W. Reeve, he chairman, made...
Attention was called by Mr. J. H. Stirk, East Midland Licensing Authority, at Leicester, to the fact that two railway companies...
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A report dealing with the Fowler Four-Forty oil-engined track-laying tractor, made by John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., has...
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Gloucester has one of the most importaat cattle markets in the country, and a large amount of road transport is required to...
The National Government Transport Committee has elected SIR HENRY JACKSON, M.P., as its chairman and, COLONEL HENEAGE as its...
Deptford Borough Connell is buying an Aveiing-Barford motor roller. Enfield Urban District Council is to obtain tenders for the...
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A protest against the practice of some hauliers, who failed to attend sittings when their applications were due to be heard,...
A NEW battery-electric vehicle has been produced by the Erewash Electric Traction Co., associated with Messrs. A. Hartshorn,...
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BRITISH PILOTS BACK FROM ABYSSINIA. I N the past few days, Capt. G. Birkett, of Birkett Air Service, Ltd., and Mr. E. H....
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CUTTING Solving the Problems of the Carrier E VERYONE now agrees that the Road and Rail Traffic Act needs a thorough...
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IN a circular issued to members of the North-Western Area of A.R.O., Mr. John Hopkins, Liverpool secretary, mentions that the...
Effort to Stabilize Municipal Rates A.R.O. Affiliation Scheme Announced M EMBERS of Swansea Highways Committee have heard a...
hilORE than 400 drivers and ownerI Y1 drivers of commercial vehicles assembled in Leeds, last Saturday night, at a drivers'...
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A NOTHER move towards a merger of associations, both in Yorkshire and nationally; was made at it mass meeting in Leeds, on...
A CROWDED meeting attended the lecture on " Haulage Charges " and a suggested method whereby they may be standardized, which...
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)ublic £14 , 000 a Year L L over the country the operation of oil-engined buses is, despite heavy taxation, having a marked...
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I T is usually an accepted axiom that breeding is largely a matter of environment and motor vehicles cannot be regarded as an...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent NO FRESH LEGISLATION INDICATED. T HE King's Speech and the opening...
VOR the third month in succession, although the toial number of registrations of new vehicles advanced fairly materially, the...
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• Public Demands Increase Hundredfold THE author of the first paper, read before the Institute of Transport last Monday, was...
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T HE contribution by Mr. Frank Pick, vice-chairmah of the London Passenger Transport Board, was read before the Royal Society...
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T HE agrimotor and the lorry now form the mainspring of the agricultural industry. The lorry in transport and the tractor on...
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THE London and North Eastern 1 Railway Co. successfully appealed, at York last week, against the grant by the Yorkshire Deputy...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the we of cornrnercial motors. Letters should be...
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THERE are over 800 oil-engined i lorries in regular service on American roads. Of this total, ro t are employed by Californian...
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J OE SMITH, the market gardener, and Jim Ashcroft, the coachbuilder, had known one another for a quarter of a century, and one...
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An Unusual Point Raised in the Successful Appeal of Mrs. M. Storry I s a g oods-vehicle licence an asset in bankruptcy? This...
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N EARLY 320 operators in the East Midland Area were respondents to appeals by the London and North Eastern, London, Midland and...
U sT Friday, at Leeds, Mr. W. Vane Morland, general manager of Leeds Corporation's transport department, was fined z£5, with...
A STRONG case for all classes of road operator, goods and passenger, to. get get together " was made by Mr. Donaldson Wright, a...
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FAILS : APPE T "fi g ht by seasonal operators to obtain permission to issue single tickets from coast towns to London was...
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S 0 that there might be consultations with other Traffic Commissioners, the North-Western Commissioners, on Monday, deferred...
W WILLINGNESS to accept co-ordination tion between road and rail transport with regard to rates, tut opposition to further...
L AST Sunday, employees of .two leading bus-operating undertakings held . big meetings , to consider grievances; these were...
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N EARLY all the leading makes of tractor are represented at the Smithfield Show, now being held at the Royal Agricultural Hall,...
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F ROM Bendix Aviation Corporation, 105, West Adam Street, Chicago, U.S.A., comes patent No. 437,620, in which: is shown a...