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"Singles" from Coast : Fight Continues CONTRACT CH AL ARGE

13th December 1935
Page 63
Page 63, 13th December 1935 — "Singles" from Coast : Fight Continues CONTRACT CH AL ARGE
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T"fight by seasonal operators to obtain permission to issue single tickets from coast towns to London was resumed on Wednesday, when certain operators applied to the SouthEastern Traffic Commissioners for the backing of various licences for express services to coastal resorts. The principal operators affectec are the Battens, Blue Belle, Bennati Bourne and Balmer, Cronshaa George Ewer, W. rinfold, W. King. .Surrey Motors, United Service Transport, Valliant, Venture, Niiinsorian and other concerns.

Mr. E. F. Roberts, of the United Service Transport Co„ Lid., asked for " singles from the coast " on the company's LondonPortsmouth service. His argument was that, whilst he admitted that passengers taking periodreturn ticketsrfrom the coast were local residents, and local operators were entitled to a certain protection, passengers taking singles to London were definitely London people, The Commissioners reserved their decision.

The application by the United Service concern for modification of its London-Brighton service, to reduce it to once-daily frequency in each direction, was granted. The chairman observed, however, that it would have to lie considered venether the Minister's Order on the South-astern Commissioners, to delete conditions on licences permitting the issue of single tickets from the coast, applied, as this service now fell within the same category as Other seasonal se:vices governed by this rule.

A discussion then ensued between Mr. B. M. Cloutman V.C., for the seasonal operators and Sir Ronald Ross, fo, tee Souteern Railway Co., and Mt. E. S. Herbeet. for Southdown Motor Ser hoes, Isto.. as to the order in whien tha applications should be taken.

It was decides1 that the case of Valliant Disect Coacties. Ltd., Ealing, should be heara first. Mr. A. Woods, traffic manager._ of the company, gave evidence and produced, 10 letters from passengers who desired in 1935 to travel on the Valiant service. from

Portsmouth to London. Sir Ronald Ross inferred that if they were the only letters received, the demand could not be great. Mr. E. S. Herbert went carefully into each letter, and it transpired that included in this evidence were period-return tickets issued from Portsmouth, whereas the licence did not allow for other than single tickets posted from London, according to the Minister's special arrangement which has subsequently been withdrawn. Mr. Cloutman pleaded that Mr. Valli was under the impression that his licence permitted period-return tickets to be issued from the coast. '


YESTERDAY (Thursday) a team representing the Cambridge University Ice Hockey Club was due to leave London by coach for its Continental tour through Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Bavaria. The

contract for transport has been secured by Messrs. Undergraduate Roadways, of Cambridge, who are using a Bedford coach supplied by Messrs. European Motorways, London.

The tour will cover 2,800 miles, largely over mountain roads, and on one day of 16-18 hours' travelling, the team will journey 600 miles. Tea and refreshments will be served on the vehicle while travelling.

Messrs. Undergraduate Roadways believe that this is the first occasion on which a coach has passed through Switzerland at this time of the year.


HNV[NC1 failed on two previous occasions to establish a local transport board, Brighton Town Council has now decided to proceed with the promotion of a Bill in Parliament to permit the abandonment of the tramways in favour of a trolleybus system.

On Wednesday, two double-deck trolley-buses, loaned by a south-coast municipality, appeared in Brighton, and it is understood that they arc to be tried out for about a week.

AN allegation by the South Wales Commissioners that a public-service vehicle had been ueed as an express carriage, without their consent, by Mr. F. N. Morgan, bus proprietor, Govilon, failed at Abergs.venny.

The magistrates, who dismissed the summons, said, in reply to the request of the Commissioners' solicitor that they should state a case for appeal, that application could he made in writing.

The evidence against Mr. Morgan was that he held a road service licence to operate excursions and tours, but Abertillery was not one of the places covered by it, and on September 25, it was alleged, Mr. Morgan ran a trip there, carrying persons who wished to see the Abertillery versus New Zealand football match.

Mr. Dennis Oakley, an employee of Red and White Services, Ltd., said that he went to the shop of Mr. J. Roberts, agent for Mr. Morgan, and was told' that an advertised trip to Abertillery could not be run, but he was circumventing that difficulty by operating a trip as a private party. Mr. Oakley joined the vehicle. As there were few passengers, after going from Abergavenny to Govilon in the coach, they were transferred to a car. Three snore passengers were taken on, making eight in all, exclusive of the driver.

The defence contended that it was a bona fide private party.

Mr. E. Thomas, a local postman, deposed to contracting for a private vehicle for 14 persons for a lump sum of 21. A number of this party, including three postmen, failed him.

The magistrates accepted the evidence of Mr. Thomas and ruled that it was a private party.


A' appreciable increase in net profit is recorded by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., in the year to September 30 last. The revenue amounted to 2263,844, as compared with 2251,061 a year earlier, the net profit being 245,406, as against 234,343. Operating and maintenance expenses aggregated 2130,368, a reduction from 2134,101 in. 1934, whilst taxation swallowed up 241,458, an increase on the previous year's figure of 238,649.

During the year the authorized capital was increased to 2250;000. The company operates close on 200 vehicles.


THE opinion that Aberdeen Corporation had acted wisely in purchasing the goodwill of the old-established Rover Bus Service was expressed by Mr. Henry Riches, chairman of the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners, at Aberdeen. An application by the corporation to take over this service, belonging to Mr. George Scott, was granted.