News and Comment.
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This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the Empire.
Manufacturers will probably note with interest certain of the new Renault points which are illustrated on page 398.
The Standard K.T. tire is very much to the fore, and some particulars of the maker's depot are given on pages 406-407.
A precis of recent C.M.U.A. proceedings is given on pages 396-397, and on this page. Owners 'who do not belong to this national body, which is the only one of its class, are recommended to apply to the Secretary, The Commercial Motor Users Association, 89, Pall Mall, S.W., for particulars of membership and advantages.
This week's leading articles (pages 395 and 396) treat of matters concerning the extension of export and foreign trade, the fatuity of partisan controversy about individual service to the exclusion of the cause in hand, and the serious bearing upon traffic incidents which any new regulation as to audible warning of approach may have.
More Motor Mails.
The Postmaster-General invites tenders, which must be lodged not later than 3 p.m. on Friday, the 2.8th inst., for motor parcel-mail services between Birmingham and Derby, Sheffield and Derby, and Leicester and Derby for a term of three years. The Birmingham and Sheffield vans are to carry 15 cwt., and the Leicester vans 10 cwt. Thus surely is the network of roadborne mails spreading. It is of interest to note that, following the strict legal rendering of the Motorcar Use and Construction Order, the first schedule in the terms of contract includes this requirement : " Two of the front lamps to be placed on the extreme sides of the vehicle in such positions as to be free from all obstructions to the light.'
C U.A.
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association was held at 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on Friday, the 7th inst.
Present.—Col. R. E. Crompton (in the Chair), Capt. R. K. BagnallWild, Messrs. Lyon Thomson, L. G. Oldfield, W. H. Hodges, D. S. Kennedy, W. H. Willcox, J. C. Mitchell, F. R. de Bertodano, H. Howard Humphreys, T. B. Browne, J. H. De Mattos, I. Witherington, and Fred. 0. Bristow (Secretary). Public Roads (Ireland Bill).— Mr. Howard Humphreys reported re the terms of this Bill. It was resolved to co-operate with the .National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association on this matter, and the following sub-Committee was appointed to confer : Col. It E. Crompton, Capt. A. E. Davidson, Messrs. G. Arnold, J. H. de Mattos, A. Spurrier and H. W. Wigan. Cab-Rank Telephones.—The negotiations which had taken place for the installation of a cab-rank telephone at the Marble Arch end of Great Cumberland Place, were reported. Annual Parade of Commercial Motor Vehicle.—The draft scheme for the 1912 Parade was received, and the following Parade Committee was empowered to carry out the necessary details in connection with the scheme : Co!, It. E. Crompton, Col. T. J. Kearns, Capt. R. K. Bagnall-Wild, Messrs. F. C. A. Coventry, T. E. Harrison, E. Shrapnel Smith, and H. Lyon Thomson.
Road Improvements.—Mr. W. G. Lobjoit was appointed to represent the C.M.U.A. on the Roads Improvement Association Centre in Middlesex, now in course of formation.
Traffic Obstruction. — Col. Crompton reported the further steps which had been taken by the Public Carriage and Traffic Committee of the C.M.U.A. on the question of Traffic Obstruction. A number of " Drive Near Left
Kerb" enamelled-iron notices had already been placed in position on lamp-standards in the main thoroughfare leading from Hammersmith to Piccadilly ; in addition, large cards of instructions to drivers for exhibition in garages, and small cards of a size suitable for the drivers to carry in their pockets, were being prepared for early issue.
B rielge,q . —Mr. Howard Humphreys reported that a Bridges Bill was being drafted, and that it would be laid before Parliament at the earliest possible moment.
'Connolly Tires.
J. and T. Connolly, Ltd., of Wharfda,le Road, King's Cross, N., has been appointedsole retail agent for the Dreadnought type of steel wheels which are made by The Chadderley Manufacturing Co., Ltd., of Cookley Iron Works, Kidderminster.
East Coast Resorts.
We have received a copy of the Great Eastern Railway Co.'s new handbook entitled "On the East Coast," which little book is a very handy guide to some of the pleasure. resorts on the Great Eastern service. Prominence has been given to some of the least-known districts in East Anglia, and to the country between the Cromer and Hunstanton coast and the Norfolk Broads. Now that the holiday season is upon us, many of our readers will find this of great assistance in helping them to decide their "place of rest." A copy may be obtained free on application to the Superintendent of the Line, Liverpool Street Station, E.C.
Albions Going Well.
Orders for Albion vehicles during June constituted a, record : the _Albion three-ton model has caught on, both for goods and passenger requirements, all over the world. The 16 h.p. Albion is selling better than ever, and two repeat orders just to hand from abroad are for fleets of a dozen more each. At home, for this smaller chassis, the London United Tramways Co., Ltd., is one of the latest buyers.
The Albion concessionnaires for Dublin and district, L'Estrange and Hay, Ltd., of 4-7, Lincoln Place, Dublin, had the honour of arranging to carry the Royal luggage on an Albion van all day last
Saturday, while His Majesty was in the Irish capital.
Lancashire Not First on the Van Side.
The commercial-motor movement in Liverpool has received another fillip through the acquisition of an Albion van by the great firm of Lewis's, Ranelagh Street. Messrs. J Blake and Co. are the concessionnaires in the Mersey City. When one notes the up-todate intentions of this Lancashire firm (says a correspondent) and leads them in conjunction with the wonderful facts related in the "
Million-Miles" article in the " C.M." of the 29th June, one conceives great potentialities for the light motor in the large centres in the north. We quite agree.
The Roads Improvement Association is extending its local centres: the latest are at Bristol and Cardiff.
Pfleutnatic Makes Good.
A booklet of " Appreciations" is to hand from Ptleumatic (1914 Ltd. of 86, Victoria Street, S.V. One testimonial tells of 53,800 miles of satisfactory running. Owners of light vans and cabs may care to ask for a copy, and to read it.
Good Roads.
Mr. H. P. Maybury, M.Inst.C.E., the county surveyor for Kent, who is one of the world's leading and most competent road engineers, and who began his well-thoughtout plan of operations by removing the accumulated dust of years from the Kentish highways, remarked, at last week's conference, in the Guildhall, York, that', Self-propelled traffic for all purposes was the order of the day, displacing the horse, shortening distances and imposing a greater burden of wear upon the roads and of cost upon the ratepayer. At the last conference they were informed that in December, 1909, there were upwards of 190,000 motor vehicles licensed and registered. In December last this number had been increased to 218,680, showing an addition in 12 months of no fewer than 36,925 vehicles. He was afraid that members of highway authorities did not even yet sufficiently appreciate the enormous increase there now was in the volume of traffic, and the alteration in its character, the weight carried, and the speed atained ; otherwise, there would be more practical sympathy and assistance given to the executive officers in charge of the roads. He appealed to highway authorities to think more of the results achieved than of the administrative charges, and to remember that good materials applied in the best-known way and under skilled supervision meant the surest economy. The altered
conditions of traffic required modification in our methods of maintenance if they were to obtain good results." Mr. Maybury has, amongst others, proved that proper methods mean lessened cost.
The London office of the Commonwealth of Australia, 72, Victoria Street, S.W., will furnish, on application, tender forms and specifications for motorcars for use by the G.P.O. of South Australia. These are light vehicles.
War Office Hire.
The Secretary, War Office, S.W., intimates his wish to receive offers of hiring terms for motor lorries—of a capacity of 30 cwt. and upwards—for use, during September, in the Army Manoeuvres in the Eastern counties. Full details may be had on application as above.
Economical Petrol Storage.
The Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., of Uxbridge, has just received an order from Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., for six more petrol storage and measuring plants, each of 1,000 gallons capacity. This order was placed after the completion of a series of five similar plants, made within the last two years or so, and it shows the satisfaction which these plants have given to the purchasers.
Concilio et Labore.
The northern city which boasts of this as its motto seems to be progressing rapidly along the lines of horseless transport. Not long ago, we announced particulars of the Manchester-Leeds night mail motor vans—a triumphant evidence of how railways and horses can be beaten. Recently, too, the G.P.O. in Manchester has decided on the use of the motor vehicle for all suburban collections of letters, these to be taken to the head
office in Spring Gardens, City. Horses will thus be left in the background, in a double sense.
Home industries" will be supported, Belsize products being utilized. The motor post-van is to have a thorough testing, for suburban boxes are to be cleared every few hours, so that the public will enjoy greater facilities. It is believed that the scheme will be extended in the near future to country post offices.
New Registrations.
Motor Car Spring Wheel Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of S.:50,000 in £1 shares, by Karuth and Co., Broad Street House, E.C., to acquire from Jacques Ganzl certain patents relating to improvements in spring wheels and to develop and turn same to account. Provisional directors : J. Ganzl, F. Hollstein, W. E. Feildbeim, H. Hertford, W. Skinner, H. A. Kidd and A. Shattock.
A. B. Burton and Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 23,000 in El shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to take over the busi 'less of an automobile engineer carried on by A. B. Burton, at Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire. First directors: A. B. Burton and A. K. Farebrother.
Gilbert Transmotion Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 220,000 in £1 shares, by Waterlow Brothers and Layton, Ltd., to carry on the business of motor, motorcar, etc., builders. First directors : W. V. Gilbert, S. Miall, Capt. H. it. Sankey, H. Martin
and R Bracht (all permanent). Kirkaldy and Kemp, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £3,000 in £1 shares (1,000 6 per cent. cumulative preference), by Neve, Beck and Kirby, 21. Lime Street, E.C., to take over the business of motor garage proprietors, etc., carried on at 7, Carlisle Street, W., as Kirkaldy and Kemp. First directors : A. H. Kirkaldy, A. F. Kemp and A. Hehner.
Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co., of London, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21,000 in £1 shares, and with its office at 87, Portland Street, W., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in automobiles, motorcars, etc First directors : H. Plow and C. R. Andrews Polyrhoe Carburetters, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 11,000 in £1 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to acquire a sale licence for selling in Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man the Polyrhoe carburetters for internalcombustion engines. First directors: A. G. Ionides, J. W. Goddard, D. J. Jarvis and It C. Warren, The three first-mentioned directors are permanent.
Rose and Hollebone (London), Ltd.. with an authorized capital of £3,000 in £1 shares (1,000 preference), by Walbrook and Hosken, 9, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C., to carry on the business of motorcar manufacturers, etc., carried on by Rose and Hollebone, Ltd,, at 28, Frith Street, W.