NEWS of the WEEK
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SOME three weeks ago the Nlinistry of Transport circulated to the appropriate representatives of the commercial-vehicle manufacturers and operators a confidential memorandum conccrning its plan to introduce a control system covering the sale of new goods and passenger vehicles. The conference has, however, been breached. and we, therefore, feel at liberty to give some details of the scheme.
The Order, which is about to be introduced, and may be law by the time this issue is published, bears the title " The Emergency Powers (Defence) Acquisition and Disposal of Motor Vehicles Order, 1940." Under it an operator will be debarred from acquiring or disposing of any controlled vehicle without a licence from the Regional Transport Commissioner concerned, application for which must be made on Form VC1.
All new and unregistered goods vehicles, coaches and buses will be covered, but not trolleybuses, or passenger vehicles seating fewer than seven, fire-engines, vehicles used for agricultural or road maintenance and construction, or works trucks.
The following particulars will be required:—(1) Nature of the work undertaken, (2) the use to be made of the vehicle, (3) details of the type required, (4) description of the vehicle to be replaced, (5) if it be possible to employ an alternative form of transport or to co-operate with other users, (6) whether unsuccessful attempts have been made to purchase used vehicles.
Supply in future will be limited to operators requiring vehicles for work of national importance, and the evidence must be sufficient to show that they are indispensable to the war effort.
The matter is discussed in a leading article.
National Scale of Rates for Sugar beet Haulage THE negotiations between A.R.O., the N.F.U., the railways, and the British Sugar Corporation are still pro ceeding. A meeting between representatives of haulage interests in the West Midland Area and Eastern Area of A.R.O., held last week in London, was productive of results in the shape of a comprehensive scale of rates, applicable throughout the country. This schedule is to be discussed with the railway companies, after which it is to be submitted to the N.F.U. and then published.
Supplies for Maintenance and Repairs of Road Motors
LIMITED supplies of steel for the repair And maintenance of motor vehicles, states the Ministry of Transport, may be obtained from the purchaser's normal stock-holding mer
chants. No symbol will be needed under the scheme for the distribution of steel supplies, but it will be necessary to declare that the steel is wanted for " Home Civil Requirements—Maintenance of Vehicles."
Where the demands cannot be supplied by a merchant from his stocks, operators and repairers should write to the Regional Transport Commissioner for the area in which the work is to be carried out for the necessary forms of application to obtain supplies.
Accessories and components. being finished goods, may be purchased from the manufacturers, or through the usual channels, without a symbol.
Associations' Help for Members Joining Up
THE A.R.O.-C.M.U.A. Joint Executive Committee, West Midlands, has arranged that in all cases where members are called up for service the committee Will endeavour to make arrangements for their businesses to be carried on during their absence and
handed back to them on their return. Such members should get in touch with the secretary, Mr. G. F. Goodwin, 35, Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton.
Mr. Reginald Hindley Married
(IN July 3, Mr. Reginald Hindley,
F.S.A.A.. widely known in the industry as hon. treasurer to A.R.O. and chairman of the East Lancs. Area of that association, was married at St. Martin in the Fields, to Miss Helen Swindells. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Pat McCormick and a representative number of members of the haulage industry, including Mr. R. W, Sewell, national director, A.R.O., was present.
WJE are asked by Stream-Line W Filters, Ltd., to point out that in an advertisement by Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., published in our issue dated July 21, 1939, the information and figures relating to oil consumption referred to in comments by a fleet owner were obtained by using Stream-Line Filters and not those marketed by the advertiser. The correction is made in an advertisement appearing on our advertisement page No. 3. CATTLE-HAULAGE RATES:— S.T.R. ANSWERS CRITICISMS
CONCERNING the isolated cdm‘-,plaints about the scale of rates for livestock haulage, it is of interest to note that a communication has been receiVed from Mr. G, F. Goodwin, secretary, West Midland , Area of A.R.O., expressing the satisfaction of his members at the operation of those rates. S.T.R. (The Commerciad Motor costs expert) is of the opinion that a good deal of the criticism of the maxi
mum rates is ill-advised. He points out that the rate is equivalent to ls. 3d. per mile run; for a doubledecker, which, taking everything into consideration, including the fact that special attention is paid to excep tional cases, is a fair return. He points out, too, that there is also a maximum rate, something which has not hitherto prevailed and that, if the operation of the minimum rate be taken in conjunction with the maximum, the net result is reasonable.
Holidays With Pay: Wages Board to Meet
WE understand that the subject of VY"holidays with pay" is to be considered by the Central Wages poard, on Friday, July 26, following which it is anticipated that a statement will be made by the Minister of Labour.
Advice on Gas from " Progasite "
PRODUCER of Progasite, the popular gas vehicle fuel, Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries, Ltd., Eagle Chambers, Swansea, has issued a leaflet reviewing the use of producer
gas for road transport. It has been written with the object of telling operators-, who have become interested in solid fuel, just what they want to know about it.
The chemical and physical processes of generating gas, the functions of the various components of the plant, and the burning of the gas in the engine-are outlined. There is a section on faults and remedying them. B.R.F.'s ATTITUDE TO TRANSPORT FILM • THE Federation of Yorkshire Road
Transport Employers, which recently communicated with the British Road Federation with reference to the film " Transport on Trial," and the strong criticism which it aroused in road-transport circles, has received from the B.R.F. a reply as to that body's position in connection with the preparation of the film.
" Transport on Trial," as previously reported in our columns, is one of a series called "Points of View," and discusses the question of unification of transport. In road-transport circles complaint has been made that it deals with the subject in a way which, whilst favourable to the railways, is unfair to road haulage.
In preparation for the film, its maker, Spectator Short Films, Ltd., consulted both the B.R.F. and the railway companies. The B.R.F. explains that the Federation supplied material concerning road transport, and gave comprehensive information on the road-transport industry's point of view and what are considered to be the unfair restrictions under which it has suffered. The film company made it clear, however, that it would accept or reject this material entirely in accordance with its judgment. The script of the film was not submitted to the B.R.F., audit had no opportunity of saying whether it approved or disapproved the film in its final form. It is emphasized that the film as it stands would never have had the approval of the B.R.F. if such approval had been asked for.
Payment for Whit-Monday Working
LIVERPOOL motormen who worked on Whit-Monday are to receive an additional day's pay, or, at the employer's option, a day's holiday with pay in lieu thereof. This decision of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association arises from a ruling of the Central Wages Board, Previously, the Association, in agreement with the
Liverpool Carters' and Motormen's Union, regarded Whit-Monday as an ordinary working day, as that day had been officially cancelled as a Bank Holiday.
MR. H. HarroN, A.M.I.Mech.E.. chief designer of Brush Coachwork, Ltd., Loughborough, has been appointed acting general manager of the company.
MR. JAMES GIBBON has been appointed president of the Scottish Motor Trade Association for the year 1940-41. MR. JOHN T. YOUNG, J.P., being vice-president.
MESSRS. R. BEVERIDGE (Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association), N. DRYLAND (British Granite 'and Whinstone Federation), A. F. PALMER PHIT.LTPS (Society of 'Motor Manufacturers and Traders), J. DAVIDSON PRATT (British Road Tar Association) and W. A. WiersoN (Commercial Motor Users Association), have been reelected to the Council of the British Road Federation. Mr, C, D. STANLEY (Omnibus Owners' Association) has been elected an additional member of the Council.
Mn. WILLIAM ADAMS, F.I.M.T., of the Adams Motor Service, Leeds, has been selected chairman of the Leeds Section of the Institute of the Motor Trade for the ensuing 12 months. He succeeds Mr. Thomas I. Bennett, F.I.M.T., chairman for the past two years. A coincidence is that Mr. Adams is also chairman of the Leeds Section of the Motor Agents' Association, and Mr. Bennett is chairman of the M.A.A.'s Yorkshire Division.
Mn. ARTHUR C. RICHARDS, A.M.I.T., managing director of the Aero Piston Ring Co., Ltd., has been elected to follow Mr. Adams in the vice-chairmanship, MR. F. Locicwoon, F.I.M.T., of Lockwood and Clarkson, Ltd., has been re-elected hon. secretary. STIMULATING BENZOLE RECOVERY
THE maximum production of benzole of all qualities is urgently required in the 'national interest, and whilst much has been done in this direction the Mines Department considers that a considerable further quantity of crude benzole may be recovered at gas works and coke ovens by (a) increasing the efficiency of existing recovery equipment, (b) expediting the installation of equipment on order, (c) installing recovery plant at gas works where such is not already employed.
Acting upon the recommendation of the Committee on High Temperature Carbonisation, the Secretary for Mines has set up a committee of nine to deal with this matter. Applications for advice, etc., should be addressed to the Secretary, Advisory Committee on Benzole Recovery, Mines Department, Dean Stanley Street, Millbank, London, S.W.1.
Plea for Use of National Resources
SPEAKING at the annual conference of the National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders, held at Keswick recently, Mr. A. Glover Mann,, of Leeds, suggested that the 60,000 vehicles, for which, he said, the Government had placed an order in Canada, could be made in this country by the use of all available resources. Shipping space would thus be saved.
Mr. H. Wood, of Bolton, stressed the point that, in view of the need for facilities for the repair of military vehicles, the Government should not allow local shops to be denuded of men.
Mr. F. Harrison, of Holderness, was elected president of the Association.
C. and W. Gas Producer M Lancashire
vir / E learn that Messrs. Holden's VV Borough Motors, Borough Road, Darwen, Lancs., have been appointed main distributors for C. and W. gasproducer plant for the Lancashire area south of the Ribble, including Manchester and Liverpool..