• Another 7s. for Haulage Workers ?
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1—k A FURTHER increasein. pay for road haulage workers has been proposed. It is similar to that recently authorized in R.H. (36),-7s. a. week for adult male workers, with proportionate rises for' minors.
Application for the increase was made by the TransPbrr and 'General Workers' Union and . this was consideredat a'. meeting of, the Road Haulage. Wages Council on June 20. _The employers opposed Ole application and proposed, as an alterntitive, the return to a gilaran teed Week-Of.48'hou'ri. • • The Meeting was 'adjourned and discussion was :resumed on Idly' 5; with the outcome described.
. HAULAGE _Friday. (July, 20) ,the Metropolitan Licensing Authority: is to hear the application ofTillings Transport '(B:T.C.) Ltd., for thegrant al thegoods-vehicle licences held by Messrs Pat Hearn, 238,Grays Inn Road, London. W.C.2.
The passenger' side of this business has been acquired by the British Transport ,,Commission, as reported in " The Commercial Motor" dated June 8. This is to be carried on by Tillings Transport (B.T.C.).Ltd.,.which already operates many excursions and tours from London. • Several private hauliers are to object to the application. The existing licences held by Messrs. Pat Hearn permit the carriage of general goods within a radius of 35 miles.
IT is understood that at Torquay, on Tuesday. the national council of the Traders' Road Transport Association again considered the statement on the use of C-hiring 'allowances which it recently published. When asked to confirm this report, a spokesman of the Association said that he had no information.
As already reported in "The Commercial Motor," the Road Haulage Association took great exception to the manner in which the statement was published, as well as to its substance, and referred the matter to the National Road Transport Federation for arbitration. The Federation has so far held one meeting to consider it. No further development has occurred.
The T.R.T.A, also held its annual general meeting at Torquay on Tuesday, at the invitation of the Devon and Cornwall Area.
ACLAIM for substantial-increases in Pay for all employees of the State transport undertaking is being initiated by the National Union of Railwaymen. Other unions are being asked to attend a joint meeting to consider an •immediate demand.
It was decided at the N.U.R. annual conference at Hastings, last week, that, among other things; •road transport workers should receive higher pay for duty on rest days and should be granted two weeks' holiday with pay.
A32 cost, and future users are left to make good the difference.
Looking into the future, the report calls for the provision of finance on a large scale to replace and develop the national transport system. The need for greater willingness to accept changes, whether in conditions of work or in types of service, or in proposals to integrate services, is emphasized.
Last year, when even small changes were proposed, the Commission was faced with lawsuits, appeals to the consultative committees and constant propaganda. Attempts to regroup operations, or to alter working conditions, were strongly resisted by sections of the staff. The whole experiment of integration and co-ordination, from which a great improvement in efficiency would undoubtedly result, was thus delayed.
The Commission points out the need for a scheme of public control over fares and charges which is both speedy and flexible in operation. New bases of charges are regarded as essential to the Commission's financial future. The Commission hopes to present to the Transport Tribunal, by August 6, a new charges scheme for merchandise traffic.