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A.b.c.c. Report Alarms B.t.c.
P UBLICATION of the memorandum of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce on the integration of road, rail and waterways services, has alarmed the Minister of Transport......
Wragg Refused Again
T HE Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority has again refused to grant Messrs. H. Wragg and Sons, New Whittington, near Chesterfield, a B licence to carry on that part of their......
Mr. Robens Condemns N.b.w.u.
A SCATHING at It a c k on the National Bus Workers' Union was delivered in the House of Commons last week by Mr. Alfred Robens. Minister of Labour. Be accused the N.B.W.U. of......
R.h.e. Orders 260 More Leylands
S UBSTANTIAL orders for Leyland goods vehicles have been placed by the Road Haulage Executive. They comprise 200 Octopus chassis and cabs, 50 Comet 90 models and 10 Beavers.......