An Economical Three-wheeler
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for Parcels
"The Commercial Motor" Tries Out a Dot 3 cwt. Three-wheeler and Finds it to be Speedy and Handy for Town Work
CTARRYING up. to 3 cwt.f and yield1-e•ing a petrol-consumption rate, on delivery duties, of at least 85 m.p.g. the Dot mctorcycle .truck has proved a mast useful vehicle for the transport of parcels for traders at home, and in numerous countries overseas. During a recent test in which a representative of "The Commercial Motor" took part, a convincing demonstration of its powers was given. The Dot is athree-wheeled unit, powered by a Villiers 122 c.c. twostroke engine that is built in unit with the three-speed gearbox. Although not fully run-in, the demonstration model proved to have good acceleration aid be capable of maintaining its place among urban traffic with comparative ease.
Smart Acceleration
When a suitable opening occurred, despite a load of over 2 cwt., a. couple of gear changes quickly brought the speed from walking pace to 30 m.p.h. Commendable acceleration was shown even when two passengers were carried, increasing the load to over 3 cwt. in addition to the driver. For a machine of this category, an unusual feature is that the proved carrying capacity is in excess of the unladen weight, the. latter being cwt. . On cobbled city ..streets, with the surface in rather poor condition, the self-eentring action of the steering made it -possible for the loaded outfit to be driven "hands off" -for •over 100-yds. This controllability is due, .in' large measure, to the absence of fore and aft movement of The body on the .SPrings.. The main frame is rigid with .the boy, whilst 'semi-elliptic springs'earrying the front axle comprise the forward suspension. A pedal, located on the right, operates internal expanding "brakes on all three wheels, and these appear to offer adequate stopping power for the type of use contemplated.. The body, Which has a base of 2 ft. 6 ins. by 3 ft. 4 ins., will'accommodate a useful quantity of goods. The carburetter is adjusted for economical performance, the manufacturer claiming an average of 90 m.p.g. Figures recorded during an N.F.S. test on parcel and canteen service over a lengthy period, show an aVerage of 86 m.p.g. A useful . feature for users of this Machine is the manufacturer's assembly eichange service, by Which worn engine units, cylinders with. pistons and rings, and brake shoes, can be exchanged -for similar items.' that have been "reconditioned. .The. Dot motorcycle truck is made' by -the'. Dot Cycle and • Motor Mantifacturing' Co., Ltd., 'Manchester, and the price, Which inclades. speedo-. Meter, is £115 ex Works. The,. specification'iS as follows:— Power unit: Dot-Villiers 122 c.c. twinport two-stroke: three-speed gearbox,
ratios 3, 1.5 and Ito I. • Wheels: Quickly detachable and fitted with Dunlop tyres (3.25-in, front, and 2.75-in. rear). Brakes: Foot-operated, coupled, braking to all wheels. Frame: Tubular construction with undershing springs floating in channel bearings at front; selfcentring steering. Electrical equipment Two large head lights and tail light, dynamo supplemented by large auxiliary battery, three-position lighting switch on handlebars.
General: Large spring seat, double valanced front wings, speedometer, etc.
Truck Body: Constructed of anglesection steel and fitted with tubularside rails: floor size 3 ft. 4ins. by 2 ft 6 ins.
Weight: Unladen 21cwt.
Overall measurements: Length 7 ft. 6 inswidth 3 ft. 11 ins., height 3 ft.
Performance: Cruising speeds up to 25 m.p.h., petrol consumption about 90 m.p.g., net carrying capacity up to 300 lb.