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S OME members Of our industry, paicularly upon the haulage side, have been inclined to expect too much from the House of Lords...
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N EXT week will see the Annual Conference— in this case at Southend-on-Sea--of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association....
How Great Skill Made THE Journal for June of the Many Unexploded " Institution of Mechanical Bombs Harmless... Engineers...
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Hears— That some call it a " demonocracy." That all parry and no thrust never yet won a duel. That we'll have to keep on our...
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HARVEST WORKERS MAY RIDE IN GOODS VEHICLES H ARVEST workers will be allowed to travel" for 'payment in goods vehicles under an...
be required in a pilot census of distribution whioh the Board • of Trade is to hold in the early part' of 1948 in respect of...
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first day of the Committee stage of the Transport Bill in the House of Lords, 33 amendments were considered. Altogether, 400...
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Electr i cal Equ i pment P LEAS for the standardization of traction batteries and for greater research into battery design to...
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MR. PETER PIKE has been appointed a Dunlop sales assistant in China, and is now on his way to Hong Kong. Ma. A. J. WHITE and...
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A N in:rease of 10 per cent , in haulage rates has been agreed between the Northern Area of the Road Haulage Association and...
A LARGE Nottingham public-works contractor, W. J. Siinms, Sons and Cooke, Ltd., was the respondent in a case heard before the...
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Says R. N. Paterson T HE use of films by the Road Haulage Association to propagate its anti-nationalization campaign, and the...
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I HAVE recently received many inquiries dealing with contract A licences, and I hope that all those who are dabbling in this...
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Pactice in PUBLIC CLEAN G VEHICLES W ITH a five-day programme embracing every aspect of an important civic subject, the 49th...
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Effi cient. Costing for Effi cient Operation D ETAILED reference was made, in a paper read by Mr. H. C, Lighten, M.R.San.I.,...
PAR. H. GURNEY, cleansing superintendent, Tottenham 1 Y4 Borough Council, speaking on "Public Cleansing To-morrow," described...
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. . *THE considerable task of building up a centralized overall transport system for.a public authority, more or less from...
THERE was an unusual degree of technical interest in 1 the paper read by Mr. J Sumner, supervisor of the central cleansing and...
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TWO USEFUL LEGAL WORKS "TWO books, entitled "The Law of Trade Unions" and "Statute Law Relating to Employment," have been...
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A MACHINE without r 1. keys, as simple to operate as a typewriter, is now available for P.A.Y.E. and wage make-up. Normal...
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in Preston voted 1-k 9 to 1 for a stoppage of their vehicles until nationalization of transport is abandoned coMpletely. Here,...
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DESIGN To-day anc Tomorrow By 1. D. McLintock p RODUCTION of goods and passenger bodies, at the present time of industrial...
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for Parcels "The Commercial Motor" Tries Out a Dot 3 cwt. Three-wheeler and Finds it to be Speedy and Handy for Town Work C...
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A TWO-STROKE engine of unusual • design • is shown in patent No. 586,254, by J. Rose, 48, Overbiiry Road, Hellesdon, Norwich....