RHA's express parcels code
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THE ROAD Haulage Associa tion's express parcels, ware housing and distribution grow has adopted a code of conduc intended to identify members a responsible, reliable operators.
But Colin Millbanks, managini director of leading parcels cat rier Lex Wilkinson has attackel the group for failing to reac standards which set member apart from the industry genei ally.
Attempts to set genuinely hig standards had come to nothinc he told CM. For this reasor major carriers such as his ow company, TNT and United Pat cels were no longer active in th group.
The RHA parcels group cod( which is being offered to merr bers for distribution to their cu( tomers, promises; • A Professional approach t ensure the best possible service • The facility of the RHA Cond tions of Carriage together wit the added protection of th Group Carriers Special Cover.
• An assurance that cus tomers' interests shall predom nate in all considerations c competitive trading betwee group members.
• And the assurance that grou members adhere to current st( tutory, common law and EEC r( quirements.