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THE NEWS this week that the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is to launch a Vhm campaign to project the image of the...
NEXT WEEK CM looks at the North East, often described as one of the most industrially depressed areas of Britain. CM reviews...
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THE FUTURE of the Road Transport Industry Training Board's Motec training centres is in the balance again. A meeting this week...
GOVERNMENT Ministers have put off a decision about the future of Leyland Trucks' troubled Bathgate plan. They have decided to...
SOME FINES imposed on British operators who fail to meet the detail of French regulations are out of proportion with their...
A MOTOR INDUSTRY public relations campaign is being planned by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, which will use...
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TME TRANSPORT Development Group made a profit before tax in 1983 of E20.98m (1982: E18.33m), says the annual report (CM, March...
OPERATORS who want to break into the French or Italian haulage markets have until May 15 to stake their claim for a limited...
AT LEAST one local authority, Dumfries and Galloway Regional Council, has been slow to respond to the revision of speed limits...
THE ROAD Haulage Associa tion's express parcels, ware housing and distribution grow has adopted a code of conduc intended to...
MORE than 80 staff are being made redundant at Perkins Engine; Shrewsbury works just three weeks after the former Rolls Royc...
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%JEW COMMERCIAL vehicle reOstrations are now running 6.7 3er cent ahead of the first quarter of last year, and Society of...
A POSSIBLE Japanese take-over or merger of Daf, and Seddon Atkinson's new owner, Enasa has been predicted in a survey of the UK...
LICENSING AUTHORITIES have been told that increased efforts to detect overloading offences must be accompanied by more...
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COURSES on freight forward ing, value added tax and in surance are being arranged 131 the Freight Transport Associa tion....
CORAS IOMPAIR EIREANN, On Irish semi-state transport corn pany, competes at a disadvan tage in the haulage market, it chairman,...
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DAVID HOWARD, who has been in daily charge of Tyne and Wear PTE for the past year, is now its director-general. Mr Howard, who...
Mike Burton, previously assistant manager of the Gloucester branch, is now in charge there. He was previously with Tankfreight,...
L. GARDNER and Sons' sales team has been strengthened by the recruitment of new western and eastern area sales engineers. Mike...
WE RECORD with regret the death of Jock Allum, aged 62. Mr Allum was formerly Spicer Services manager, having joined Turner...
MIKE ROBERTS has taken charge of Hallett Silbermann's newly established East Midlands operation. He already has experience of...
STEPHEN KEHR is in charge of Netlon's bid to meet the industry's new need for spray supression equipment. Mr Kehr, who has...
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A SERIES of offences relating to the operation of a vehicle under the special types provision committed two-and-a-half years...
ALLEGATIONS that four owner drivers had inflated tonnage figures with the connivance of the transport manager of New Cheshire...
A SCOTTISH sheriff claimed at Perth recently that it was in the interests of employers that their drivers should carry more...
CLAIMS by the anti-lorry lobby that rich pickings are to be had from haulage are "utter nonsense", Road Haulage Association...
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Rodgers: Brighton Livingstone: Malta Duncan: Malta FORMER Transport Secretary Bill Rodgers, now a former MP and a leading...
SALLY the Viking Line has won consent for the construction of a breakwater at Ramsgate Harbour. It will allow freight and ferry...
SUN ALLIANCE Insurance has widened the coverage of its commercial vehicle insurance cover, and has simplified the formalities...
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UGHT VAN operators will be able to specify Ford's latest 1.6 litre indirect injection diesel engine in Fiesta and Escort vans...
DRUM ENGINEERING will exhibit new products at this year's Road Haulage Association Tipcon Show from May 3-6, including a new...
LIQUID POWDER and Gas Transport of Batley, West Yorkshire has recently taken delivery of a 34,250 litre (7,534ga1)...
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IRITISH road transport operators may be reluctant to abandon the nternal combustion engine, but India plans to manufacture...
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MOVES to encourage more competition in stage bus services need not end road service licensing according to the Adam Smith...
THE WARD FAMILY is planning to re-establish coach and bus production in West Yorkshire. Brothers David and Keith Ward, and a...
A YORKSHIRE operator whose recent application for an operator's licence was opposed by the Bus and Coach Council triumphed last...
ALLEGED drivers' hours offences against Premier Motor Tours (Preston) and one of the company's drivers were dismissed by...
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NATIONAL Bus Company subsidiary Herald Engineering is cooperating with Mitsubishi Commercial Vehicles in developing Minibus Act...
THE FIRST of London Transport's 400 B20 "quiet pack" Daimler Fleetlines will be available soon on the secondhand market, and a...
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WELCOME signs of an improvement in commercial vehicle sales in West Germany set the mood for most manufacturers at the Hanover...
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The German Ministry of Transport has been severely questioning whether coaches, particularly hi-deckers, are as safe as they...
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THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE, Security and Safety Exhibition Conference (IFSSEC) got underway this week in London's Olympia...
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The UK will be the first country in Europe to introduce lorry spray suppression — it does so next spring. Putting aside the...
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The coveted certificate can make continental journeys a lot more comfortable for operators. Noel Millier explains how to get...
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Webbing straps are stronger and longer lasting than many methods to restrain heavy loads these days, argues our special...
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This Passenger Transport Executive has shown that life on the buses can be made a great deal easier for the disabled and...
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"THE QUESTION of whether a person is self-employed or an employee is a matter for the Revenue to decide; and, in reaching a...
THOSE of you who drive abroad will know that the general standard of continental truckgtops would be an eyeopener to many UK...
ROGER BROOMFIELD is our CFDC representative In Poole. Aged 41, he was born In Bournemouth, as were his wife Jan and two...
"JUST A ROUTINE check, sir". How many times in a working month does the average professional driver hear those words? Of...
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The worth of the 6x4 tractive unit was strongly demonstrated by the performance of the 6106T. Journey times and road holding...
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GARY TURVEY, the Freight Transport Association's new director-general, has given lorry drivers a timely warning that they are...
HAROLD RUSSETT, the Road Haulage Association's chairman, would not have chosen the title given to the paper on the operation of...
SIR REGINALD PEARSON, who has died at the age of 86, had the rare ability to stand with one foot on the factory floor and the...
BRIGHT SPARKS in the patrician London Borough of Camden came up with the idea of naming municipal vehicles after people famous...
THE NAME TASKER has been heard in Hampshire's verdant Anna Valley for some 175 years. Alas, it disappeared at the end of March...
THE NOTORIOUS flyover at the Army and Navy roundabout on Al2 at Chelmsford has had to be closed several times because of ice....
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With 900 or so tippers rolling over every year, is there a case for a code of practice that will improve safety? An academic...
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THE remarks in Commercial Motor (March 17) concerning the Road Haulage Association's "No Comment" on Budget day are not...
I AM a fifth-year pupil taking seven CSE subjects in May of this year and hoping for a career in the transport industry from...
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Manufacturers claim they can reduce consumption with these devices. Bill Brock talks to operators who've fitted them IT HAS...
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I AM writing to thank you for printing the story of our successfully winning a contract to supply 30 Road Tankers to Adu Dhabi...
I FEEL OBLIGED to comment on the suggestions from various sources to increase the length of the driver's working day. It has...
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IIGURE 1 shows the SPRS — 28000 ingegral power steering aox manufactured by Burman and Sons. Although this )articular box has...