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The Editor invites correspondence on an subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation is reserved and no responsibility for views expressed is accepted.
[4745] I was very interested in the article written by S.T.R. on the fallacy of overloading. For some years past, having been instrumental in building up a small haulage business, I had been very definitely of the opinion that, from the purely academic standpoint of costs per ton-mile, an " overloaded" light vehicle may be made to show up to considerable advantage in the matter of profits.
• If overloading beyond the makers' recommended loads were not permitted or possible the numbers of the lighter vehicles would still preponderate, owing to the greater suitability of the average load unit. But there is no reason why " overloading " should increase that
preponderance, giving a "fillip" to the sales of vehicles of a low load-carrying capacity, if such "overloading" cannot logically be justified.
The conclusions arrived at by S.T.R. with his friends A, B, C, D, E and F are illuminating, in that they take cognizance of the real, if not tangible, breakdown factors which do not usually form part of cost statistics.
As a matter of business instinct, one feels that regularity of service and getting the load to its destination on time is the first cardinal virtue of a haulier or transport manager in a business in which haulage is only one of its functions. S.T.R. has shown us why.
As to the means for putting an end to the bane of excessive loading, there appears little doubt that lack of gradation of gross vehicle weights to suit the varying loads which the exigencies of haulage necessitate is largely responsible.
It should be clearly recognized by all that the necessities of road haulage lie in the transport of single loads varying from, say, 1 cwt. to the "maximum" which is
permitted. Those variations, put into practical categories, must be predetermined and form the public requirements on which the manufacturer bases his designs.
At present the dilemma confronting the chassis maker and tyre maker is very real. The maximum gross laden weights of 12 tons, 19 tons' and 22 tons respectively constitute the only market to-day where he can design to suit the maximum load which will be carried. But makers may think alike, and that limited market may be catered for by so many makes as will render production uneconomical or selling prices unreasonable.
On the other hand, the ability, to overload, of the purchaser of a vehicle weighing 2 tons 10 cwt. andcoming within the 30 m.p.h. class, may easily cause the loss of the maker's reputation through no fault of his own.
The overloading of a 3-ton vehicle to 6 tons clearly proves that intermediate loads are essential to transport. The gradation of taxation is already there, and if the owners of 8-tonners are subject to police control for overloading there appears no valid reason for any objection on the part of users of vehicles constructed for lighter loads. In the passenger-vehicle world taxation as to load has been arranged, and "overloading" is against the law. Why cannot the goods vehicle be dealt with in the same manner? •
W. R. SHEMARD, General Manager,
Coventry. The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.
[47467 .The accompanying letter, which has been sent to Councillor W. A. White, of Fulham, will no doubt interest you, because it refers to the article published in The Commercial Motor dated January 31, dealing with this gentleman's scheme for building the Fulham section of the Great West Road over a railway. The publication by you of this suggestion has aroused great interest and should go a long way in helping it to be brought to maturity. C. W. Em's. London, S.W.1.
" I was very interested indeed to read the article in The Commercial Motor dealing with your proposal for a new Fulham arterial road to be built over the existing railway line. It has always occurred to me that the only unencumbered entrances to London are the railway systems.. I think everybody agrees that arterial roads are most desirable, but the greatest obstacle to such developments is the antagonistic attitude generally taken by private property owners and other parties interested in holding-up progress for their personal ends. The use of railway systems, however, would appear admirably to circumvent this situation.
"I was particularly interested to-day, for, having read your article, I happened to meet a well-known M.P. who con' centrates a great deal of his Parliamentary time on traffic problems, and I find him extremely interested and receptive with respect to your suggestion. He would much like to have the opportunity of a chat with you and Mr. Epps, and I feel that the whole cause would be greatly advanced by his co-operation. So far as I am concerned, my interest is purely an academic one, coupled with the practical motorist's outlook, and, of course, natural pride and interest in our Metropolis. . . I hope very sincerely that your proposition finally matures, although, of course, such an important proposition is bound to have many detractors.—G. R. N. HESELTINE, H.E. Oils, Ltd."
[4747] Adverting to the letter (4737) in respect of tests of timber and its strength, appearing in The Commercial Motor dated January 31, your conclusions are to the point, and can be confirmed.
I may say that in my letter (4442) of December 7, 1934, I stressed the points that in tests the "English timber should be of mature growth, felled at the correct time of the year and naturally seasoned."
Arising out of this subject and with the advent of the all-metal coach and the present-day demand for lightness, there is much in favour of the composite body, which can be constructed to be non-inflammable, and with the minimum of weight.
The objectionable feature in the majority of passenger coaches on the roads to-day is head noise, which is nerve-racking, and is in some cases a cause of illness
en route. A composite coach can be built with metal framing, English ash battens and Plymax panelling, and will compare favourably as regards lightness, strength, durability and economy in production, with the allmetal coach, in addition to the absence of head noises; further, the interior can be much more decorative than any finish with paint on metal. C. DAVIS. Gloticester.
[4748] I am a regular reader of The Commercial Motor, and although some of the, articles published in this weekly journal are invaluable to the transport industry, I am very surprised that so little information is given about the transport of ice cream or similar commodities requiring the use of refrigerating vehicles.
[Illustrations of these have appeared from time to time.—E.]
As you are no doubt aware, the ice-cream trade in this country has increased enormously during the past four years and the peak consumption has not by any means been reached. The transport of this product is a very specialized job, which not only requires a firstclass maintenance service, but constant study of weather conditions and strict cleanliness of vehicles inside as well as outside.
As this class of trade is increasing enormously year by year it is rather surprising that bodybuilders are not specializing in the building of refrigerating vans (mechanical or otherwise) to suit this purpose.
I will go so far as to say that the market is wide open for good bodybuilders to increase their business by the innovation of this type of body at a reasonable price, provided that they have or obtain a man with the necessary experience to advise regarding design, and the best methods of insulation, refrigeration, and so forth.
A certain amount of experimental work has been carried out by me, but it would be interesting to read of the views of other manufacturers or users on the question of the best methods of transporting this product, and what is considered to be the most economical way.
London, N.W.10. J. T. BROOKLAN D Despatch and Transporl. Manager, • for Farm Ice Creamery, Ltd.
[4749] In' an article entitled" Co-ordination of Transport," on page 894 of your issue dated January 31. there appears a paragraph headed "Monopoly that has resulted in rate increases," based on statements made at a recent meeting of the Newry-Chamber of Commerce, Northern Ireland.
May I be permitted to point out that the argument contained in this paragraph breaks down; in the first place, because the Board has, up to date, acquired only a very small fraction of the goods vehicles operated for hire on the roads in Northern Ireland, the remaining vehicles being still operated by private owners. Therefore there is, at the moment, nothing which could be described as a monopoly in goods transport in Northern Ireland; and, in the second place, because, in so far as the Board is operating goods vehicles, it has not raised any rate, but is carrying freight at the rates charged by the former owners where it has been possible to ascertain those rates. D. L. CLARICE, Chairman. Northern Ireland Road-transport Board. Belfast,