Campaign Comforts Fund. Some of the Many Acknowledgments and Thanks that we are Receiving. How we are "Delivering the Goods."
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"I must thank you on behalf of the men of this column for the gifts despatched by you on the 8th December. These were kept until Christmas Day before being issued, and they were very much appreciated by the men, who, up to the present time, have had very few gifts sent to them. The strength of this column is Ell. " Dominoes, cards, footballs end games of all sorts will be very much appreciated. We are also all of us glad to get illustrated weekly papers."—.11111, Act. Adjutant, II Co. Sup. Col.
"It will be a great boon to the men in my company to receive gifts of pipes, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. Cigarettes are a great luxury, as our men do not take kindly to those made in this part of the country. I am glad to see that the interests of the men in the M.T. branch of the Army are not being lost sight of by those at home."—O.C,, A.S.C., M.T., • Indian Troops Supply Col.
"I hasten to thank you on behalf of my men for the very acceptable box of woollen goods, etc., despatched on the 15th ult. and received by me to-day—January 5th. These have been duly distributed amongst the men of my command,
numbering officers, N.C.O.s and men."--0.0., U Army Troops Sup. Col.
"I think your scheme is the very best one I have heard of, and I have been wondering how I was going to get corn
forts for my lads on the lorries. . . 90 per oent, of my men are specially-enlisted drivers, and they are making jolly good soldiers, mid deserve everything that can be done for them. Gloves will be particularly useful. There is an issue of gauntlets from Ordnance Stores, and thick winter things for all motor drivers, but they will be very thankful for spares."—O.C., MMI Div. Sup. Col.
"We shall be awfully grateful for any comforts you can send out to us. We are not in need actually, By, but the weather is dreadfully cold, and the men suffer much at nights sleeping in their vehicles. What we want most are warm clothes and gloves, and smokes as a luxury, and an occasional copy of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR would be most welcome."—O.C.,
Amm. Park.
"I have to-day received a consignment of woollen goods, etc., from the Campaign Comforts Fund, and I take this opportunity of writing to thank you very much for your kind ness in sending them. I assure you that they are being tremendously appreciated."—Capt. Melt 0.C., ER Div. Sup.
" Our men have been having a pretty rotten time lately. Oceans of mud and continuous rain and cold are very apt to chimp anyone's ardour, but in spite of all these circumstances they have been doing jolly well. An uncomfortable circumstance has been so far that they have been tantalized by having to do so many frequent extra journeys to carry the cases of comforts for the tnoops so that you may be sure anything you can do for the M.T. Corps will be immensely appreciated by all of us from the major downwards."—Lieut. Ill, o.c., Ind. Cav. Sup. Col.
"The matches came to hand a few weeks ago, and I regret that there has been such an interval in acknowledging them. This is due solely to stress of work. The men were most grateful for them, especially for a gift of this kind. Matches are not obtainable in this country—that is to say, any of them that are worth having—so that your first received packages have been most welcome. The other gifts of which you have advised us have oat yet arrived, but no doubt they will come along in due course."—Captain 0.C., NM Div. Amin. Col.
" I have much pleasure in acknowledging receipt of the case of tobacco and cigarettes which was sent out by you to the company under my command. These were distributed amongst the men, who I can assure you appreciate the thoughts which led to the despatch of these gifts. The strength of my company is E.. Thanking you again on behalf of my company for your kindness."—Major ENE, 0.C., E. Ind. Corps Amm. Park.
"Very many thanks for the gifts, which were most welcome. We are also particularly pleased to get TEE COM
MERCIAL MOTQR."—Captain Cav. Brig. Amm. Park.
c26 "1 beg to thank you for the gifts, which were received on Friday last, Christmas Day. I may say that these gifts sue most useful, and are greatly appreciated.-0.C., EN Div. Sup. Col.
"I acknowledge with many thanks receipt of five cases Nos. 13, 14, 27, 28 and another. Four of these contained tobacco and cigarettes, and one contained woollen goods. The contents of these cases are being distributed amongst the men of the unit under my command, and I am sure will be greatly appreciated."—O.C., No. ME Amin. Park.
"I am pleased to inform you of the receipt of the box of gloves, and I thank the 'C.M. Fund on behalf of the N.C.O.s and men of this unit. I will.personally see that the gloves are iesned to those that require them."—O.C., lIEN Div. Sup. Col.
"Please accept my heartiest thanks on behalf of the MN Cav. Div. Sup. Col., for the case of tobacco and cigarettes which duly arrived on New Year's Day. You may rest assured that the distribution has been in all ways equitable, and I am quite certain that the gifts were greatly appreciated by all. Again assuring you of my very cordial thanks."-0.0., II Cav. Sup. Col.
"I have to thank you for your letter and also for the many nice things my company has received from THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR Campaign Comforts Fund."—O.C., Meerut Div. Sup. Col.
"The following gifts have been received :-354 packets of cigarettes, 180 books cigarette papers, 36 packets of hard tobacco, 143 packets of best shag, and 13 packets of " Want cards. These gifts were distributed in the presence of an officer, and ho also previously superintended the opening of the cases. The motor lorry and car drivers are delighted with these presents and have asked me to convey their appreciation and thanks for the gifts. Please allow me to add my personal thanks on behalf of the men."—O.C., 11111 Div. Amm. Park.
" I wish to acknowledge the receipt of a case containing tobacco and cigarettes, and of another containing five dozen pairs of horse-hide gloves. I have seen to it that these welcome gifts have been distributed not only amongst the men in my own column, but also amongst the A.S.C. personnel attached to II Corps H.Q., of which this unit forms a part. All have been greatly appreciated, including your most prac
tical ' Want ' Army Troops Sup. Col.
"I am very pleased to say that I have received this day three cases of tobacco for the men of the company under my command. These have been distributed equally to every man, and on behalf of them I myself thank you very much for your kindness in sending them out to us. Cigarettes and tobacco are always most acceptable. I enclose a list of articles which would be very acceptable in addition to the selection which we get from you from time to time: Toilet soap and washing soap ; sticking plaster ; dubbin; cotton wool ; ointment for burns ; and various medical stores."—O.C., • Amm. Park, M. T. A.S.C.
"Many thanks for letter and gifts which have been distributed to and sincerely appreciated by the N.C.O.s and men of NM Auxiliary Co. M.T., A.S.C. "We all wish you a Happy New Year—heaven only knows if it'll ever cease to deluge us with mud here.
"Don't believe all you hear about the old B-type. Properly tended it, does yeoman service. You should see our Co. drilling, they are fine."—O.C., NE Aux. M.T. Co.
"The three cases of tobacco and cigarettes arrived on the 4th inst., and the contents have been equally distributed between the N.C.O.s and the men of the column under my command. Thanking you on behalf of myself and the N.C.O.'s and men for the gifts."—Lieut. mot I Div. Sup. Col.
"I write to thank you very much for your present of tobacco and cigarettes, which I am distributing to the men of my column. The gifts which you have eo kindly sent, and the trouble which you take to insure that each column receives a share of your Campaign Comforts, am I can assure you appreciated very highly by all the men of the M.T. ont here."—Capt. UMW 0.0., 111 Div. Sup Co:.