Flood Scenes in the Thames Valley.
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Wheels of Industry.— con.
New Ford Factory in Toronto. The handsome $300,000 addition to the plant of the Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Ltd., at Ford, Ontario, is to be completed by early in the coming spring. When this new sixstorey structure is opened, the motor plant that is already the largest under Britain's flag will be still larger by nearly a half. The new Ford factory in Toronto is just completed. More American Lorries.
We learn that the General Vehicle Co., Ltd.' of Imperial House, Kingsway, W.C., is ready to supply American-built Mercedes-Daimler lorries with poppetvalve engines. These have a load capacity of two tons.
Light British Daimlers.
The Daimler light lorry, of which we reproduce a photograph, belongs to Messrs. Phillips and Mar.. riott, Ltd., of the Midland Brewery, Coventry. It has been purchased second-hand by that company to meet its present needs while it is waiting for further Daimler lorries to replace those impressed by the War Department. The Daimler Co. publishes elsewhere a reproduction of a letter appreciative of it.
T.O.T. Mutual Aid.
We learn of a capital entertainment and "feast " which was organized by the Middle Row Depot of the L.G.O.C., in order to give 500 of the poorest children at St. Thomas' Hall, Kensal Rise, a treat on New Year's Day. Plum duff and packets of sweets were amongst the most-welcomed features of the pro_ gramme. Mr. R. B. Macdonald and Mr. F. L. Merrick, together with the energetic committee, worked hard to gain the success achieved.
We also learn of a very successful tea and concert which was held at the important L.G.O.C. garage at Holloway. This was attended by about 350 children, with their parents and friends. A substantial tea was provided as well as three Christmas-trees fully laden with presents for the kiddies. After tea the guests were entertained by artistes. The success of the evening was due to the untiring efforts of Mr. Wainwright, the superintendent, and his staff.
Wheels of Industry—con.
The AlIdays and Onions works are "as busy as they can be!' The simplicity of design in vehicles of this make has much to commend it. Drivers take to their duties with them very quickly.
Official Commendation from Australia.
We learn that the High Commissioner for Australia continues to hold good opinions concerning the future for commercial-motor transport in the great Commonwealth. Apropos some recent excellent performances by Hanford vehicles, for example, we find that the following expression of opinion has been officially put into circulation by the High Commissioner : "As the future of this country practically depends on some reliable means of traction being found, and this cannot possibly be undertaken by teams owing to the scarcity of grass and water, there is little doubt that the motor lorry is destined to play an important part in opening up this portion of the Continent (bor
ders of Western and Southern Australia), especially in the direction of acting as feeders to the trans Continental railway line where completed."
Lectures on Advertising.
We note with much interest, that Mr, R. McKean Cant, of theft. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., is to give a series of L.C.C. lectures this session,. at Dalston, concerning "Advertising." This is a departure by the 'ILC:C. in commercial education.
U.S.A. Exports.
War effects are beginning to show them selves iii. the export returns concerning commercial motors of American origin. The U.S.A. exports to the end of September last were lower than those for corresponding periods in 1913. The returns for October show an increase for 1914, reaching 152 machines for the 10 months, whilst the figures for November and December, when available, are estimated to show an increase of not fewer than 1200 machines for the year. Inst. A E.
Mr. Thomas Clarkson read a paper before the members of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, on Wednesday last, the 13th inst., on the subject of "Wheels for Commercial Motors."
Orwell Electric Vehicles.
The address of Mossay and Co., Ltd., whose arrangements for the manufacture of electrically-driven vehicles by Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Orwell Works, Ipswich, were announced by us some weeks ago, is Queen Anne's Chambers, Broathwty, Westminster, S.W.
Liverpool Motorists.
The reconstituted Liverpool Automobile Club and Self-Propelled Traffic Association is now established in its quarters at the Midland Adelphi Hotel. Members, both old and new, will enjoy considerable advantages, in that a permanent office of the Royal Automobile Club (Associates Branch) is also established at the Midland Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, with a permanent staff. Mr. T. B. Ross continnes in office as the hon. secretary and treasurer of the Liverpool Club, to which the annual subscription is one guinea. He can be addressedat the.:Xidland Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.
"Never-skid," Attachment.
We understand that -the''" Neverskid " attachment, for twin tires, which device is generally accepted as being successful in America and Russia, will shortly be offered on the English market through an awcy which is about to be completed. This device essentially consists of steel cross-pieces connected by drop-forged flexible links. A take-up of 5 ins, is provided in' each chain, by means of specially-designed turnbuckles of an enclosed type. A heavy-motor vehicle does not have to be jacked up for the "Never-skid " arrangement to be attached, and adjustment or detachment occupies but a few minutes.
'Ware Troops.
We think it expedient again to invite owners of commercial motors to warn their drivers in regard to the likelihood of their coming suddenly upon squads, companies, or battalions of troops engaged upon route-marching. Not every commercial motor carries a headlight which shows the road fat ahead ; not a few drivers are obliged to rely upon the flickering light of a side lamp, and from this the beams reach only the side of the road. The utmost caution is eXpedient when driving after dark. When the air is misty or foggy, slow speed is essential to safety. So long as this country is engaged in warfare, troops have a prior right of way at all times.
Wheels of Industry—con.
Pleasant New Year appreciation reaches us from one of the largest manufacturers in the commercialvehicle trade as follows : "I congratulate you on the success of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR since the be
ginning of the war, and have no doubt you will make your paper still more interesting during the present year." It has not been an easy course to steer, since the early days of August, in order to retain the interest of all readers of our pages. We have endeavoured, and we have reason to believe successfully, to strike the happy mean between the requirements of our influential connection with the military state of affairs, arid our close touch with users' needs at home. The two are closely, yea intimately, combined in the personnel.