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learning by David Lowe
Management appraisal by job description
TRAINEES joining the Brent Group Management scheme spend their first year studying full time at Ealing Technical College. The curriculum at Ealing involves a term of basic theoretical work, a term of more practical work and finally a term in which much more advanced topics are covered. A residential weekend is included in the programme for each term and this provides more scope for syndicate and case study work, and gives trainees excellent opportunities to get to know one another better.
On return to the Group the trainee is selected for attachment to the sales or operational departments of one of the Group heavy haulage or general haulage companies or the machinery maintenance and installation company. Trainees will be moved between depots to see the varying styles and idiosyncrasies of depot management in operation.
As already mentioned (CM July 7), trainees are expected to undertake extra mural study for membership of the CIT. However, in the case of those who work in
the specialized heivy haulage or machinery installation fields, study for membership of the Institute of Works' Managers is acceptable, as the syllabus for the course covers the requirements for this type of work.
Quarterly appraisal The group's quarterly appraisal of management performance scheme is based on job descriptions for these personnel.
Setting job descriptions, which was an integral part of the establishment of management by Objectives within the group, was not so easy as was at first envisaged. In many cases no sooner had the ink dried on the paper than the job was changed or the key result areas had changed, hence the targets had to be revised.
Setting targets and result areas for management were of course the main essentials of the whore package and in order to maintain some stability in the level of target the scheme needs to be fluid. Constant modification is necessary and time
must be spent to keep up to date with f necessary modifications.
Mr Phillips, Brent Group training offic( said that the scheme must produce go( results if it is worked properly. "It would naive to think that there was no cc involved in setting up and maintaining t scheme," he said. "Time is the major cc and the question is: 'How much time shot it involve and is the cost worth it?' "
Job descriptions are evolved round t total company policy on performance a] in such a way that the individual manag can see his key result areas. This th provides the necessary format f recognizing whether he achieves the targ( set for him.
In making the quarterly appraisal t superior has the task of discussing with t manager his successes or failures. T reasons are analysed and a proposed coin for the future is established. The superi has to give managers a rating based on simple in-Group coding. Where a failure meet targets — or indeed where grew success could be achieved — is four training needs for the individuals concern are established.
Since the introduction of the schei certain trends have already manifest themselves. For example, Mr Phillips fe that for many managers a course in t methodical approach to office administ: tion would be useful. A weakness in t administrative area does tend to catch I practical operating people out, he said.
Mr Phillips also said that there had be some initial resistance to the MBO schei particularly among the "older hands" 1 training was breaking this down. 1 Ashridge road haulage courses had be particularly effective in this respe Managers appeared to have gained much the way of fresh inspiration a understanding at Ashridge.