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Many road transport hearts will sink at the news that major reversals of current policy are pledged by the Labour Party in its...
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Meeting today may bring peace in dockland by CM reporters • The blacking at London container depots may end on Monday. This...
• A second order for Metro-Scania double-deckers has been placed — this time by Glasgow Corporation transport department....
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Policy document commits party to switching traffic to rail, reviving bus licensing, considering free transport and...
• Vehicles of up to 3 tons are to be constructed in Spain following the formation of a Spanish-German company which has been...
• Road pricing and a tax on private car parks are two "kites" flown by the Greater London Council in a Green Paper — Traffic...
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• The legal fight by a cold storage firm, to stop dockers "blacking" lorries crossing picket lines at its store, moved from the...
• Over 100 hauliers from the London area decided on Monday to instruct their drivers to cross the dockers' picket lines at...
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THREE HAUIJERS TAKE CONTAINER STUFFING TO HIGHEST AUTHORITY • Five law lords this week began hearing egal arguments in the...
• By using TIR semi-trailers of kangaroo type, designed for transport by rail on the special wagons employed for this purpose...
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a large area of the centre of Leeds from 10 am to 6 pm daily was expressed at a special meeting of the FTA's Leeds and West...
• Since the company's reorganization in December last year Besco Bodies Ltd, of Northampton, has added a tipper body to its...
compulsory weighbridges to deal with heavy lorries entering the country via car ferry terminals. Twelve out of the 17...
• Just published is Going Metric: Managers' Handbook, which puts Britain's switch to the metric system into perspective and...
• Mr John Peyton last Friday laid regulations which will require all petrol tanks used for fuel to propel the vehicle to be...
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• Main findings in the latest, JanuaryJune 1972, Road Haulage Report and Rates Guide, published by 'Freight Information...
• Dunlop Ltd has expressed to Mr Eldon Griffiths, Under-Secretary, Department of the Environment, its concern at his recent...
• The "largest truck centre in East London" was opened on Monday by Mr A. F. M. Thorns, truck sales director of Ford Motor Co...
• The association of Clerical, Technical and Supervisory Staffs, a TGWU subsidiary reports that at a meeting of the joint...
• Depressed trading conditions were the main reason for a fall in the annual profits of Fodens Ltd last year. Profit before tax...
• In CM July 7 it was stated that the DAF33 8cwt van was the only van on the UK market equipped with a fully automatic...
• National Carriers Ltd is moving its North Eastern area office from York to Leeds. From 17 July the new address will be:...
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• Mystery surrounded certain points about two applications concerning licences for operators carrying stranded passengers from...
• The spotlight is turned on the buses operated by Britain's four Passenger Transport Executives in the latest "in camera" book...
• East Kent Road Car Co Ltd has introduced as from July 1 experimentally at Dover adult season tickets covering basic single...
• Next year's Nice coach rally will be held between May 15 and 19 and as usual it will include prizes for both bodywork design...
• Thousands of SELNEC PTE bus passengers will be handed a leaflet in future weeks which is headed "This man is here to help...
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International journeys affected from next January by Martin Hayes An apparent acceptance of subsidies or passenger transport...
• G. E. Costin Ltd, associated with the Tricentrol Group, has acquired the coach firm of Housden and Coldwell Ltd, of...
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The bus must stage a comeback, symposium delegates told • A new plea for higher priority for public transport in Britain's...
• Mr John Peyton will be principal speaker at the annual conference dinner of the Association of Public Passenger Transport...
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• Although Tizer Ltd, the Manchesterbased soft drink manufacturing company, had what appeared to be a perfectly adequate...
• When the Oldbury, Worcestershire, branch of a national haulage firm introduced a new vehicle maintenance system it led to a...
• Mr R. R. Jackson, the present South Wales Licensing Authority and chairman of the Traffic Commissioners in the area, has in...
• The Justiciary Appeal Court in Scotland last week rejected an appeal brought by James Car Deliveries Ltd, of Birniehill...
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ssues half-grant only • Northern Ireland Trailers (Scotland) Lt d applied in Glasgow last week for 160 railers to be acquired...
I At one point in its recent history a :ompany had operated at least four of its lye vehicles without excise duty having teen...
• A loss of 10 minutes in summoning the fire brigade to a fire which broke out inside the Sunset Transport Hotel, Penkridge,...
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• A Doncaster haulier who was granted a transitional 0 licence in 1970 without a fleet inspection or attending a public inquiry...
• When a vehicle examiner inspected three tipper• vehicles belonging to Waterloovile Plant Hire, of Waterlooville, Hampshire,...
At its meeting in London on Tuesday the Transport Association elected A. C. Nokes (Grantham Road Services Ltd) as chairman. He...
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by Gibb Grace Perkins T6.354 with intercooler is now a range option • The turbocharged Perkins T6.354 six-cylinder diesel is...
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• To supply the needs of a large cement factory, six new AEC Mandators with special Dyson /Freight Bonallack double hopper...
• Better working conditions and a 200 per cent increase in productivity are claimed to have resulted from the replacement of...
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Myers must learn to .ecognize the onset 0,f fatigue I The multiple motorway accident has wattle such a regular occurrence...
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Variable kinetic drive gives high torque multiplication and efficiency without auxiliary gearing by Paul Brockington • A...
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view by the Hawk I High haulier 'hat was London haulier Eric Taylor, under of Eric R. Taylor Transportation, )ing on a mule...
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a big jump in standing costs A STEEP — 13 per cent — rise in vehicle standing costs between 1971 and 1972, but a relatively...
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On duty or off duty? • An odd legal conundrum foisted on the transport industry is the attempt to establish a distinction...
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by Trevor Longcroft THE Renault Fourgon van— a derivative o the Renault 4 saloon — does not have particularly attractive body...
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0 Danish hauliers eager for EEC entry DELEGATES representing almost 7000 Danish hauliers and own-account operators have...
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by Handyman Understanding metrics (5) THERE ARE those who argue that the :hangeover to metric is going to be a costly iffair...
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George Neville • The managing director of George Neville Truck Equipment Ltd describes himself as a person who loses interest...
Accentuate the negative SINCE the introduction of operators' licensing some two or three dozen objections have been lodged,...
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a varied fleet of specialist vehicles ployed on filming and recording for fete'ion. I believe that drivers of such vehicles e...
2 Trailers Number you list Over ul (Trailers) Ltd of Birminghwn makers of special trailers and particularly f. , .-loaders. Is...
red with a Dunnspencer blower — it is a -ton-gross vehicle giving a payload of tons 4 cwt. The vehicle travels approxiUely 500...
that these should have been fitted with a new type of reflector from July I this year. These trailers already have reflectors...
to the front wheels of a vehicle prevents the vehicle from swerving should a front tyre blow out. Could you tell me who makes...
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matters by i Jo hn Darker, Bridging the gap between management and men MR EDGAR WILLIAMS, chairman of the Road Haulage...
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y Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Jedestrian crossings -IE Zebra Pedestrian Crossing regulations 71 came into effect on September...
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lea rning by David Lowe Management appraisal by job description TRAINEES joining the Brent Group Management scheme spend...