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Hatcher: 'defend freedom'

14th March 1975, Page 16
14th March 1975
Page 16
Page 16, 14th March 1975 — Hatcher: 'defend freedom'
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A WARNING that restri tions on freedom of mov ment on the roads was one a number of encroachmen on the liberties of the citizi was given on Monday by ti national chairman of ti Road Haulage Associatio Mr Ken Hatcher.

Speaking at the Metr politan and South Easte area dinner in London, II Hatcher also warned that the Government were carry out its threat of e tending public ownership road goods transport on fairly large scale, its conti over the lifeline of trade a industry would be ii mensely strengthened. I added: "In many cases would have the power make or break individi companies or whole si tions of an industry.

It was right that eve thing reasonable should done to keep lorry nuisar to a minimum, but the so tion was too often put absolute terms, such as co pulsory bans.