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cTA slams proposal which would cost f50m a year Or lorries entering London y CM reporter PROPOSAL — now bere the Greater...
TRODUCTION of tachoaphs on a compulsory basis due on January 1 next for iw vehicles and January 1, 178 for old vehicles— must...
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A SUGGESTION that Britains' container handling terminals should be licensed on the lines of the former road haulage licensing...
THE THEME at the annual RHA tipping convention to be held at the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate from July 3-6, will be overloading....
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DESPITE the prominence paid in publicity material about the 75mph capability of Freightliner trains, last week's national...
From our political correspondent THE NEW "see and be seen" rules for drivers in poor daytime visibility which come in from...
A WARNING that restri tions on freedom of mov ment on the roads was one a number of encroachmen on the liberties of the citizi...
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Don't let planning become political football TGWU: and don't have too many rules and regs local govt officer r HE COST of...
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A LORRY DRIVER, Mr Albert Simpson, formerly employed by Smith's of Eccles Ltd, failed in an application for redundancy payment...
PROFITS for Mitchell Cotts Transport Ltd in the sixth months ended last December 31 fell to £207,000 compared with £283,000 in...
THE HAULAGE company of E. H. Jones Ltd, Belvedere, which specializes in the carriage of bulk liquids, has been acquired by EWL,...
ROAD transport law, the law and the use of the road, legal aspects of employment and the EEC dilemma will be examined in an FTA...
PLANS for a new lorry park at Leazes Park, Newcastle, are being challenged by one of the City's MPs, Sir William Elliott, who...
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ALTHOUGH it is well in the red, Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Authority had a considerably better year than expected....
LONDON TRANSPORT is being pressed to revive the closed shops which were the rule before the 1971 Industrial Relations Act, Both...
LONDON COUNTRY Bus Services expect to net about £41/2 m from the 25 per cent fares increase just approved by the Traffic...
BRITAIN'S 72nd postbus service and Scotland's 50th — went into service this week after being inaugurated at Dingwall....
Merseyside Pedestnanization may cost fares rise operator £10,000 p.a. MERSEYSIDE PTE bus fares rise by an overall 15 per cent...
NATIONAL TRAVEL starts a weekend coach link from East Anglia to Holland on May 24. Starting in Chelmsford, the coaches will...
TO MAKE it easier to identify different bus services, the South Yorkshire PTE, Yorkshire Traction and some other operators have...
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trona our political correspondent LOCAL AUTHORITIES, particularly in rural areas, are to be urged by the Government to make...
EXPENDITURE by local authorities on school transport has increased over the past five years from £20m to £45m, Mr Ernest...
GREY-GREEN Coaches and Lacey's coaches are additions to the latest issue of the "Coach Fair List" produced by the TGWU. All...
DIAL-A-RIDE services started in Milton Keynes this week. The service is provided by the National Bus Company in partnership...
AFTER HEARING that transport costs had risen by 59 per cent in the past five years, the North Western Traffic Commissioners...
THE WAY the massive London Transport deficit had been allowed to build up was slated at the last meeting of the GLC. Tory...
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VEHICLES operated by Caledonian Bulk Liquids Ltd, Immingham, a member of the Tayforth Group, were either not being inspected at...
REFUSING to renew the four-vehicle 0 licence of Mr Lionel P. Golesworthy, wholesale potato merchant Ind haulier of Cardigan...
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A NEW form of vehicle sideboard system has been developed by Brade-Leigh Products Ltd of Albion Industrial Estate, Oldbury...
Derek Worthington, .44, has succeeded the late Mr Alfred Smith as general manager of the Co-operative Wholesale Society's £165m...
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A DESIGN of tipping skeletal semi-trailer for 20ft ISO containers which has a high degree of elevation and a fail-safe system...
MONDAY March 17. loME (Automobile Division Derby centre) Talk by R. N. Smith (Lubrizol). Nottingham University. 7.30pm. IRTE...
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ALTHOUGH there is still co-operatidn between hauliers and the railways on occasion, it no longer seems to be considered a...
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reckon the staff at CM should ippear in the awards list in this Tionth's Ford M otor Company salesrian's quiz. Last week we had...
I see that recent criticism of the lack of suitable British chassis for intensive minibus work is parelleled by American...
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CONFIDENCE and independence in the face of a difficult year that will sort the men from the, boys: that is my impression of the...
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HE express parcels carriers in Britain lave generally raised their rates by 30 Yer cent or more in the past 12 months. Ate...
WHAT can you carry on a car transporter except cars? The question illustrates the classic dilemma of the specialized operator...
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'HE TIPPER industry in general has een going through a sticky patch uring the past few months. The iovernment cut-back in the...
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THERE are surely more prospective international hauliers than there are actual operators engaged on crossChannel traffic....
IN THE words of the folk song "the good times are all gone" and, faced with an uncertain future, rising costs and lack of clear...
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An operational trial of Britain's only bus running on LPG by Martin Hayes; pictures by Harry Roberts WITH the continuing...
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by Johnny Johnson then customer resistance to continual rates increases grows then varying )st factors can help to maintain...
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The industry is struglling towards greater consistency in its standards on safety equipment, driver training and vehicle...
HAULIERS specializing in agricultural transport are as much dependent on the weather and market price fluctuations as the...
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GEORGE WILMOT EXPLAINS ENTRY AND QUALIFICATIONS THE Transport Manager's Licence (TM L) legislation which is due to come into...
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LA now needs whole story by Les Oldridge T.Eng (ICI), MIMI, AM1RTE SECTION 16 of the Road Traffic Act 1974 and the 5th...
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Management without jargon DECISION-making, planning and management control in road transport and the methods and techniques...
PROBABLY more of interest to the transport engineer and student than to the average operator. Vehicle operating costs in...
The 1975 Containerisation International yearbook became available on January 31 price £7 from the book distribution manager,...
THE 1975 edition of th( Freight Industry Yearboot appears in limp covers whicl the publisher says has en abled the book to be...
ALTHOUGH it was clearly stated in the operating cost assessment of the Magirus Deutz 232D I 6FS (CM February 28) that this...
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tractive unit, 3 tons 19 cwt nladen, drawing a 32ft trailer. The it is taxed as private. The trailer is ?signed as a mobile...
CM M arch 7 that in terms of the Road Traffic Act 1974, the period on which an endorsement is carried on a licence . hav been...
that these would apply to vehicles over 3.5 tons gross weight. yet I have also seen it stated (I think in CM) that it was...
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by John Darker AMBIM IF, as I suspect, it is legitimate to compare transport operations to warfare it is right to equate a...
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The Rapn - iac hot air gun will reliquify anti-rust compounds and other similar liquids which tend to harden in cold weather....
A new 9.5 mm (0.375 in) drive reversible ratchet nut-runner has been introduced by Desoutter Automotive. The Model 218 is...
The Spenco Emulsion seat and backrest cushion available from Zimmer tare designed to provide effective relief from body...
The Moss M170 portable welde from Trianon Tools is claimed to b as compact as a briefcase and suii able for in-the-field...
A galvanized finish roundhole trac has been added to Brownline's rang of load-restraint equipment. Track cross-section depth...