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" GIVE M.T.O.L. A CHANCE ' 4 THE experience of livestock

14th May 1954, Page 42
14th May 1954
Page 42
Page 42, 14th May 1954 — " GIVE M.T.O.L. A CHANCE ' 4 THE experience of livestock
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carriers over the past 14 years proved that there was something in the set-up which had been operated by the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd. They had been a body to look to and had always given the livestock industry a fair deaf. These remarks were made by Mr. L. Harvey, national chairman of the livestock functional group of the Road Haulage Association, when he spoke at the annual dinner of the livestock functional group of the eastern section of the northern area.

The existing organization should be given a chance to continue, he stated. There was nothing to lose by taking up shares in the company. Mr. Harvey

felt, however, that the M.T.O.L.'s working margin of ILO per cent. was excessive. He thought it should be 3 per cent. or 5 per cent.