14th May 1954, Page 40
14th May 1954
Page 40
Page 40, 14th May 1954
Devon General Traffic Down
A BOUT Im. fewer passen g ers were PA carried by the Devon General Omnibus and Tourin g Co., Ltd., last year because of a recessiOn in traffic followin g a fares increase, and......
Coaching Work Brings In Useful Revenue
pECAUSEmore excursions and tours were run in 1953, and more privatehire work was done, the receipts of the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., increased correspondin g ly. The......
Nottingham Becomes A Bus Crewe
IN the lon g -distance bus pattern of the country, Nottin g ham was reachin g the same position as Crewe or Derby in that of the railways, aid Mr. R. M. Finch, Nottin g ham city......