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27 m.p.g. with Oilengined Coach

14th May 1954, Page 43
14th May 1954
Page 43
Page 43, 14th May 1954 — 27 m.p.g. with Oilengined Coach
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rtA 3,000-MILE test with an Austin 15-seat coach has convinced Mr. F. L. Lees, proprietor of Lees Motorways, Gateford Road, Worksop, that he has found the solution of the problem of heavy costs of operation for small coaches.

A Perkins P4 oil engine was fitted by Phillips Motors (Handsworth), Ltd., of Handsworth, Sheffield, and since the conversion, Mr. Lees has operated the coach for 3,000 miles, including trips to Scbtland and London.

No difficulty was experienced in carrying out the conversion. The chassis remained as standard, and none of the coachwork was altered, The normal gearbox and clutch were used.

Before conversion, the coach did 50-55 m.p.h. in top gear, and after conversion reached a comfortable 52 m.p.h. without being "pushed." Cruising speed is about 40 m.p.h.

Petrol consumption was at the rate of 15 m.p.g. but the figure on oil fuel is 26-27 m.p.g.

Under the new conditions the coach will run 500 miles with one filling of the tank, which means that there are few journeys on which the driver has to refill.

The coach, with full load, is to be used on a tour of Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France. Each passenger will have two suitcases and an outside luggage rack will be fitted. Oversize tyres will be used.