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More Building Work by Sheffield Pool

14th May 1954, Page 43
14th May 1954
Page 43
Page 43, 14th May 1954 — More Building Work by Sheffield Pool
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DURING the past year there was a large increase in the tonnage of road and building materials carried by Direct Motor Services, Ltd., the Sheffield haulage pool. This was partly because there were more quarry owners, sand and gravel producers and slag suppliers taking advantage of the company's ability to deal with fluctuating traffic.

This was stated in the annual report of the chairman, Mr, H. Booth. Purchase tax and fuel tax prevented the haulage industry from, giving users cheap transport, but denationalization had afforded the concern a chance to return to long-distance work, By eliminating wasted running and pro.

siding return loads, competitive rates were being offered.

Two new ventures were embarked upon last year—storage and warehousing at newly acquired and wellequipped premises, and a container service believed to be the only facility of its kind in the district.