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Use under a Hiring Licence

14th May 1954, Page 56
14th May 1954
Page 56
Page 56, 14th May 1954 — Use under a Hiring Licence
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

S° far as 1 am aware, a vehicle operating under a '—'C-hiring licence may be driven only by a person on the payroll of the hirer, i.e. an employee of the person or firm in whose name the licence is issued.

Will you please tell me if this is correct and enlighten me on the following points:—

(a) Is it in order for the vehicle owner to be the driver of such a hired vehicle?

(b) Is it permissible to have an ordinary C licence for such a vehicle under which the owner can carry his own goods when the vehicle is not being otherwise used under the hiring licence?

Congleton, Cheshire. J. GARSIDE.

[It will be quite in order for you to hire out your C-licensed vehicle to a concern having a hiring allowance, but you must not drive it yourself, the concern must be the employer of the driver. In other words, become the user. It is also essential that you remove your own C-licence disc and substitute a hiring-licence disc for it. To use the vehicle for the carriage of your own goods, your licence disc should be refitted.—ED.]