Merri worth 'new deal' 3perator nterest n spares ;ervice
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• A "new deal" in trailer leasing has bet launched by Merriworth (Engineering) Lt Richmer Road, Erith, Kent. The schen.] is based on a three-year contract in whic no interest payments are involved.
To arrive at the monthly charge fi hiring a trailer, the price is simply dividt by 36. The monthly leasing charge for £1,000 trailer is therefore less than £2 Fleet discounts apply to the leasing Merriworth trailers in the same way as outright purchase.
At the end of the three-year period t operator is offered three options. He continue to lease the trailer for another tv years at half-price; or he can buy the trail for only 20 per cent of its origin value-either outright or on a 7+ per cei two-year hire-purchase basis; thirdly, he ci return the trailer to Merriworth if he pays fee which is 5 per cent of the trailet original value. This fee is regarded as administrative charge for the whole leasii period. It does not apply if the trailer bought or is leased for another two years.
• Hertz Truck Rental has moved headquarters and administration offic from Richmond to Radnor House, 12' London Road, Norbury, London SW1 (Tel. 0:1-679 1777.) A flood of inquiries about its new ires service—described briefly in CM last ek—is reported by Jonas Woodhead Ltd, Lich is administering the scheme through new headquarters at Red Bank, inchester M60 4FIA (tel: 061-832 7881). Claimed to be the first independent assis spares service network exclusively commercial vehicle operators, the 3odhead scheme is designed to offer a id carriage-free supply of a specified ige of parts through 35 depots in gland, Scotland and Wales.
Introducing the scheme last week, the irketing manager of Woocihead's RSR lion, Mr G. Sailes, said that it sprang im a market research which had afirmed operators' complaints about tres supply; it revealed "an enormous Lame of justified complaints on a national de". Woodhead had determined to take a rnmercial risk in locking up a very large sum of money to stock its depots with full ranges of a selected number of under-chassis items—in addition to its existing road spring and spring reconditioning service and its long-standing supply of body ironwork. • Some of the spares are Woodhead-made, others are proprietary units. The great value of the Woodhead spares catalogue on which the scheme is based is that it is clearly set out in loose-leaf sections which make vehicle and part identification quick and easy, and in appropriate cases the Woodhead part number is shown alongside other known equivalent part numbers (eg Hardy Spicer, Lobro, Quinton Hazell in the case of universal joints) and the dimensions also are shown. Prices are listed too.
At present Woodhead intends to supply spares direct to operators' premises but does not have roadside supply in mind; however, a roadside emergency spring delivery service is being operated experimentally in the Manchester area and might be extended.
Spares covered at Woodhead depots when the scheme gets into full swing next month will be telescopic and lever-arm shock absorbers; engine dampers for selected models; oil, air and fuel filters; spring shackles, spring hanger brackets; universal joint kits; mud wings and mud flaps. The depots will also distribute SAB slack adjusters, Nugear trailer landing legs, and body ironwork and will deal with repairs to trolley and bottle jacks as well as continuing the road-spring service.