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1 Job Descriptions And Selection Pro
cedures for hgv drivers are subjects ohich have been mentioned frequently in re Press and elsewhere but! have not seen .7.tual details of either published in CM. s a driver!......
Q I Have For Some Time Tried, Without
success, to obtain a device which when fitted to a diesel engine would enable one to limit the maximum top speed of the vehicle without restricting rpm in the intermediate......
A We Are Planning To Make Deliveries Of
certain chemical products to Continental countries with our own vehicles in the near future and we have been informed that there are special regulations which must be observed......
Q / Am Employed To Drive New Buses Corii Plate For
delivery to customers all over Great Britain and always return to base by train. Is the time spent travelling on the train to be counted in my working hours for the day and the......
N We Have A Number Of Young Warehouse
and stock control staff under training for future responsible positions within the company and we are anxious that they should receive as much training as possible.......