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Ford opens Lim smoke lab'

14th May 1971, Page 34
14th May 1971
Page 34
Page 34, 14th May 1971 — Ford opens Lim smoke lab'
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Mr Peter Walker, Secretary of State fol Environment, while visiting Ford's nev, smoke emission laboratory. at Dunton Essex, earlier this week said that he woulc like to see vehicle emission standards ir this country which were at least as good a: those to be adopted in the rest of Europe though pressed on the point, he could not bc specific on dates.

The new laboratory is equipped to tes production vehicles to current standard; and to develop engines to projectec standards.

There is no legislation in the UK a present, apart from the BS AU 141 regulation due later this year, to contro smoke emission from diesel engines anc exporters are having to face a continuall3 increasing need for clean engines. Ford ha reacted to this worldwide trend by buildini and equipping Europe's largest emissiol laboratory at a cost of lm.