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Gentlemen's agreement was irregular

14th November 1969
Page 36
Page 36, 14th November 1969 — Gentlemen's agreement was irregular
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A "gentlemen's agreement" between tw Newcastle upon Tyne hauliers contained a irregularity, the Northern LA, Mr. John Hanlor heard in Newcastle on Monday.

Before the court was an application by on of the hauliers. Mr. J. R. Adams (Newcastle Ltd. to transfer a lorry from the other, M F. H. Williams and Son.

Mr. T. H. Campbell Wardlaw, for th applicants, told the LA that the lorry had bee used by Mr. Adams for about a year followin the illness and subsequent financial difficull of Mr. Williams.

Mr. Wardlaw said Mr. Adams now knew I had been completely wrong to operate in th way, and the application was an attempt t regularize the position.

He said Williams' were sub-contractoi for Adams. When Mr. Williams had a hea attack he fell into financial difficulty, and was agreed that Adams should operate if vehicle previously driven by Mr. Williarr until he was in a position to take it back.

Mr. Adams, junior partner in the Adarr business, said it was a gentlemen's agreemen and at the time had no idea that it was illege The LA said he was sorry for Mr. Williarr but he had to delete the vehicle from h licence. He said there was no excuse ft ignorance of the law when the senior partni of the Adams business had been in the haulac business since the 1930s.

He adjourned Mr. Adams' application for month and decided that another applicatic by the same company, which comes out t the objection period this week, would be dot with in strict accordance with the regulation and not heard until December 9. By that tim he said, he could deal with both applicatior in a more amiable frame of mind.