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£4 A Year Fee For '0'
icence Forth tolls • A flat rate of £4 per vehicle per year is proposed for operators' licence fees, the Minister of Transport announced on Wednesday. This would be accompanied......
Catching Them Young
• A junior management course, aimed at recruiting and encouraging school leavers, has been instituted by the Manchester Transport Training Group, Mr. Jack Wood, Group training......
Quotas Queried
• An Anglo-Italian meeting is to be held early next year to review the operation of the bilateral transport agreement between the UK and Italy, the Commons was told this week.......
Montrose Meat Haulier To Close
• The transport depot of John McKay Ltd., Western Road, Montrose, Angus. employing nine drivers and three maintenance men, in addition to office staff and a manager, is to close......
Transport Executive Course
• Yesterday the first of a series of one-day seminars on - Minimizing the impact and cost of the 1967 Road Safety Act and the Transport Act 1968" was held at the Bloomsbury......