News and Comment.
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This journal is exclusively read by the principals of many wealthy commercial houses, and by the heads of important Government and Colonial Departments.
H.S.H. Prince Francis of Teck, who has proved so energetic and popular a chairman, has been re-elected as the working head of the Royal Automobile Club. The club membership now exceeds 4,500.
The latest addition to commercial motor transport in the Island of Ceylon is a 16h.p. Thornycroft vehicle. This is being run by a Mr. T. W. Collette, of Colombo, for both passenger and goods service, and extensions of the undertaking are anticipated.
Winnipeg Trials.
Those manufacturers of agricultural motors, who may be thinking of sending in entries for the Agricultural Motor Competition in connection with the Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition, which tests are to take place from the 7th to 17th July next, are reminded that entries should be sent in promptly to A. W. Bell, Esq., Exhibition Manager, Winnipeg, Man. We have one entry form in our possession at the moment, and shall be happy to send it to the first applicant.
Latest Dennis Brougham.
We have pleasure in illustrating, at the foot of this page, the latest example of a Dennis traveller's brougham, the particular machine having been delivered, during the past few days, to a large firm of drapers in the North of England. It is fitted with the company's new, i8h.p., fourcylinder engine, and it should prove a very convenient and economical means of carrying samples from one district to another. We put the cost of running, inclusive of interest, depreciation, maintenance, driver, fuel, stores, insurance, tires -and sundries, on the basis of 3o to 6o miles a day, at a maximum of 6d. per mile. Wigan Tenders?
The Local Government Board has written to the Wigan Town Council, to the effect that, on the report made by the Inspector after the recent enquiry, the Board considers that tenders should be publicly invited for the supply of the motor fire-engine, and that the Council should fully consider the tenders received before eventually deciding the particular make of engine to be provided. At the last meeting of the Council, on the 7th instant, it was intimated that the Committee had already decided upon the type of engine, and had provisionally given the order to Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., subject to the sanction of the Local Government Board to the necessary loan. The Local Government Board is to be informed of these facts, and a sub-committee will call there. "Pneumatic" Tire Filling, The latest candidate for public favour, as a substitute for air in resilient tires, is presented by the Pneumatic Syndicate, Limited, of 82, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. The Royal Automobile Club has conducted a 3,000-mile road trial, upon a zoh.p. car weighing, with its load, nearly ia ton. Notwithstanding several cuts in the cover, the tire did not wear down into flats, and the filling exuded very slightly. There was no detrimental heating, and the resiliency tests were held to be of a satisfactory character. In fact, as the report concludes : "The Committee, on making a comparison on the same car betweera airfilled tires and "Pneumatic "-filled tires (both of the same size and section), on rough cobbles, found it difficult to decide which tires gave easier running."
Our first references to this filling were made on the occasion of the Commercial Vehicle Show, at Olympia, in April, 1938, and the future for the above-named syndicate now largely depends upon the price at which it can market its goods.
Metropolitan Street Paving, The sixth annual report of the Metropolitan Paving Committee, of which Mr. Alpheus C. Morton, M.P., is chairman, has been issued by the Clerk to the Committee, Mr. T. H. Munsey, of the Westminster City Hall. We are glad to observe the absence of adverse comment upon motor traffic, and, having regard to the excellent results obtained by Mr. P. Dodd, the surveyor for the Eastern district of the Wandsworth Borough Council, in respect of roads which bear heavy horsed and motor traffic admirably, we would direct close attention to the statement that : " A length of about I4 miles of roads was tar-sprayed, with beneficial results, at a cost of id. per superficial yard. The tar was applied under pressure by a machine. Watering has been unnecessary in most of the tarsprayed roads, whilst, in others subjected to motor and omnibus traffic, a little sprinkling on the sides, or occasional washing only, has been sufficient. A considerable saving has been effected in street watering, and the cost of cleansing and maintaining the roads has been materially reduced." Less progressive borough engineers might do well to visit the Wandsworth district, and to observe for themselves the splendid results achieved, especially when one calls to mind the fact that Mr. Dodd is saving something like 1400 per mile per annum along certain stretches which is of the widest public importance.
The French competition for light vans has been postponed, owing to the smallness of the entries.
Reckless Corner Turning.
At Lowestoft Police Court, last week, a steam-lorry driver named John Annis, of Oulton, in the employ of Messrs. Youngman and Preston, was found guilty of driving in a manner dangerous to the public, and was mulcted in a fine and costs amounting to .C2 13S. The evidence showed that
a particular corner was turned so that the near-side front wheels hit a five-inch kerb and the near-side back wheel mounted it
At the annual general meeting of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders to-day (Thursday), the principal business will concern the matter of future exhibitions. The accounts for the year ended the 3ist December, 1908, show a profit of ,46,021, and a balance at the credit of profit and loss account of ,30,900. The 1908 Commercial Motor Show accounted for a profit of 4:1417.
L.C.C. Fire Brigades.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the London County Council reports that provision was made in the draft estimates for the current financial year for one petrol motor fire-engine, and two horsed fire-engines, in place of two old horsed engines of small capacity which are now in use. In view of the experience gained, however, with the petrol motor engines recently obtained, the Committee had decided that a second petrol motor engine be purchased this year instead of the two horsed engines provided for in the estimates. Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., is prepared to supply two more of its pattern, but with certain modifications which experience has rendered desirable, for -4'1,128 each.
A sum of ,4",too in respect of each engine is to be provided in the contract to cover any extras, such as an additional brake, which might be needed.
Lorry or Van?
One of the latest examples of comfortable body is provided in the Albion two-ton van which we illustrate on page Tr& It has just been supplied to Messrs. Wilsons (Glasgow and Trinidad), Limited, for shipment to the West Indies, and the sides are readily detachable, so that a level platform can be available for the conveyance of heavy goods, such as are often available from the docks at Port of Spain (Trinidad).
Ambulance Bodies Wanted.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board requires quotations, on or before the 20th instant, for the supply and mounting of eight brougham-shaped ambulance bodies.
Motor Territorials.
A mechanical transport section is being formed. in connection with the 2nd London Division Transport and Supply Column of the Army Service Corps. Car, lorry, bus and tractionengine drivers, testers, mechanics and fitters are earnestly invited to join. Only those working at their trades need apply. Men will be required to attend not more than eight foot drills of an hour each, and it is possible to put in three drills in one evening. Besides these, there will be lectures on steam and petrol motors and motor matters, driving lessons and several Saturday afternoon runs, but a man will only have to attend these according to his capabilities. An expert will not be required to attend the same number of times as a novice. It will he obvious that, to men who are not well up in any one branch of the business, this will be a great advantage. Men will also have to attend the annual camp for not less than eight or more than 15 days, which this year will be held on Salisbury Plain during the first fortnight in August. All rations are found, and N.C.O.s and men are paid during camp.
Really first-class men will obtain early promotion, and, as seniority dates from time of enlistment, those wishing to join should make application without delay. The two uniforms, service and dress, are exactly similar to those worn by the Army Service Corps. These are supplied free.
Rates of pay, while in camp or on mobilisation, are from Is. ad. to 45. 3d. per day, according to rank; in addition, corps pay from 3d. to is. Sd. per day, according to classification, N.C.O.s will also have a separation allowance of from is. rd. to is, 4d. per day. Eligible men should apply, any Monday evening, between 7 and 9 p.m., to the Adjutant, 2nd London Division T. and S. Column, Grove House, Hollywood Road, Fulham Road, S.W.
Apropos Lieutenant Shackleton's dash for the South Pole with the aid, inter alia, of an Arrol-Johnston motor, it should be noted that the engine was an air-cooled four-cylinder Sionns.
Singleton and Cole, Limited, the well-known wholesale tobacco house of Birmingham, has replaced its horse delivery vans by two WolscleySiddeiev motors, and is highly satisfied with the change.
The formation of the Central Motor Transport Company, Limited, with an authorised capital of .5,000 in ,4;1 shares, and with its registered office at 18, Smithfield Chambers, West Smithfield, E.C., has to be noted.
Per Suflys (Cardiff), Ltd.
The Dennis agency at Cardiff is in the hands of Sullys (Cardiff), Ltd., whose. area covers the counties of G lienorgan and Monmouth. This local company's garage and office is at 43a, Penarth Road, and our readers may remember the speed-controlling device of Captain Beattie, one of the directors, which we described and illustrated on the 3rd September last. A demonstration van (illustrated on this page) does excellent work, and the company has now started a local rnotorcab service with 18h.p., fourcylinder, Dennis vehicles.
There was a representative muster of the Executive Committee of the Commercial Motor Users' Association, at i, Albemarle Street, W., last week, when Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B., presided. The officers for the year were re-elected : Colonel Crompton, chairman; Mr. Shrapnell Smith, treasurer ; Messrs. Joynson-Hicks, Hunt, Moore and Cardew, Solicitors.
The standing committees of the Association were reconstituted as under :—
Extraordinary Traffic and Bridges Committee.—Captain R. K. BagnallWild, Messrs. H. Howard Humphreys, J. C. Mitchell, W. Rees Jeffreys, E. Shrapnel] Smith, and W. ff. Wilcox.
Technical Committee.—Captain R. K. Bagnall-Wild, Messrs. E. G.
Brewer, F. C. A. Coventry, W. G. Lobjoit, H. Thomson Lyon, E. Shrapnell Smith, and C. Wheeler.
Public-service and Traffic Committee.—Messrs. F. R. de Bertodano, A. C. Clifford, M. J. Davey, W. M. Hodges, W. G. IAThjoit, H. Thomson
Lyon, J. C. Mitchell, L. G. OldfieIci, and J. Scott.
Advisory Board of Engineers.— Captain R. K. Bagnall-Wild, Colonel R. E. Crompton, Messrs, E. G. Brewer, F. C. A. Coventry, H. Howard Humphreys, and Dr, H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S.
Finance Committee.—Colonel K. E. Crompton, Messrs. L. G. Oldtield, and E. Shrapnell Smith. Six new members were enrolled, and important business concerning different branches of activity was transacted, including matters concerning the rules of the road, the Association's prize scheme for good driving, traffic through the City of London, police and motorbuses, and the proposed "loud and continuous " warning for public-service vehicles.
One-ton Darracq Vans.
Mr. S. Thomas, manager of the Blackpool Parcels Delivery Co., has written to inform A. Darracq and Co., Ltd., of Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington, S.E., how a one-ton Darracq van has served him. He states, in the course of his communication, that the costs for six months,
apart from for an overhaul, were : petrol (at is. per gallon),
tfis. 6d.; oils, LI 175. 'Id.; sundry repairs, ..‘2 5s. 5d.; tires (estimated), .,15 75. 3d. This gives a total, exclusive of driver and depreciation of 4:38 75. rd. The van averages 300 miles a week, and it was off the road for seven days. Mr. Thomas concludes: " I am sure no other make could have done better than this has done." We illustrate the van.