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A fortnight ago, much to the relief of the proprietors of London motoreabs, the Public Carriage Department of New Scotland Yard...
We have frequently had occasion (e.g., issues of the 12th March, i4th, 2 1 st and 28th May, 6th August, and t2th November last)...
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We are indebted to one of our readers for the suggestion and de tails which have enabled us to prepare the design reproduced...
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By " HOITIOC." Slowly but surely the commercial motor is asserting itself in the large trade centres; it is creeping into the...
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Instructive Performance Comparisons. Approximately six months ago (issue of the 22nd October, 1908), we published a photograph...
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The Fahrzeugfabrilc Eisenach, maker of the Eisenach lorry, has realised a net profit of .L . 11,343 for 1908. Some .4;67o is...
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"Toy" dogs, but not large dogs, are to be allowed in the Eastbourne Corporation's motorbuses. The Bakewell 1..7.D.C., at its...
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This journal is exclusively read by the principals of many wealthy commercial houses, and by the heads of important Government...
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News contributions are invited payment wilt be 'nerds on publication. A private company, with a nominal capital of . 4, LOU,...
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stray notes under " Out and Home" a fortnight ago concerning Mr. Frank Churchill, that a portrait of this gentleman would be of...
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The Editor invitee correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters one side of the paper...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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By " Engineer-in-Charge." The tubes in locomotive-type boilers, as fitted to steam wagons and tractors, unless they receive...
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Isterest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Reserve Cells for High-tension...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...