Government Action in Respect of Engineering Works.
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We examined the likely effects of the Government's flew provisions to secure the " Defence of the .Realm " in our issue of the 18th ult., and. we then clearly indicated our view that the new measures in respect of output from engineering factories. were likely to render it more difficult than theretofore for anybody in the transport world successfully to " Keep the wheels of industry turning." We forecasted that users must be prepared to accept an uncertainty, in respect, of working costs, which mightbe. expressed, by reason of higher all-round charges, both initial and running, as an addition of anything between id. and 3d. per vehicle-mile, according to size and type. We then foresaw the possibility, and included the risk in our calculations, that some .users will find themselves obliged to obtain replacement and spare parts by special order in. their own:districts. , We regret to say that fresh proofs have come under our notice, during the past week, which lead us to anticipate the fulfilment of that forecast; and we believe that users generally Will do well to obtain suitable spare parts for their existing vehicles before it is too late. We do not commend the laying-in of " spares " in any spirit of panic, or steps comparable to thpse which many thousands of householders took in this country,. during the early days of August last, in respect of flour, sugar, etc. We hope, in fact, that manufacturers will protect themselves and the general body of users by requiring something in the nature of a certificate from a purchaser that he is in immediate want of this or that spare part, and that he is not merely ordering it from a selfish motive.
The seriousness of the position is not to be minimized; although it has not yet become effective. The Government, if it' has occasion to exercise its powers to the full, will certainly not allow machinetools to be utilized in the production of fresh spare parts for chassis other than those at the Front or in military service in this country. The value of existing stocks of spare parts may, therefore, go up very rapidly, and so affect the working cost per mile which is ever our chief consideration.
We have decided to warn users at large, as above, of the possibility of the early exhaustion of supplies of spare parts for use in this country, but we have at the same time to point out that they have, although at extra cost to themselves, a means of making good the deficiency by local manufacture. There are still