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Users of commercial motors are finding each successive month productive of little more than fresh dilemmas for them. -They lost...
We examined the likely effects of the Government's flew provisions to secure the " Defence of the .Realm " in our issue of the...
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hundreds of small engineering shops which have not come under the control of the Government., and which are unlikely so to be...
The text of the annual report of the Commercial . Motor Users Association, for the year ended the 31st December last, is given...
Our suggestion of a. fortnight ago, that a daily newspaper of wide circulation, should take up the back-load problem, has...
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By the Editor. The conception of a wide use of motor transport for the movement a troops by road now dates back some 18...
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The Austins with the Russian Army. Fine Workshop Equipment which Can be Readily Shifted, if Need be. These messages from Our...
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Selfridge Impression that Impressments Will Do Good in the End to Commercial Motoring. We recently had occasion to have a chat...
This Great London Stores Can Spare a Special Convoy for the London National Guard, and his staff, until the new motor . .. vans...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national...
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O.N.C. Cyclical. One Gear. By "The Extractor.' It was "Somewhere in France," and he was a raw r,3cruit of the A.S.C. M.T. He...
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An Offer to Collect for the Fund. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1395] Sir,—If you will let me have some speciallyheaded...
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The Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated) Continued Its Efforts During the Year to Assist the Development a...
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Wants a Chassis. [2615] (Farrnea).—You will probably stand the best chance of getting what you want through a small...
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Terry Silencer. Rubber Wedges for Tires. Gearbox Improvements. Copies of complete specifications of the patents published on...