C.M.U.A Annual Report, 1914.
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The Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated) Continued Its Efforts During the Year to Assist the Development a Commercial Motor Transport.
C.M.U.A. and the War.
The -work of the. Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated) during the last six months of 1914 was closely associated with the mechanical transport formations of the Army for service at the Front. immediately on the outbreak of the war, the Association placed the whole of its organization at the disposal of the War Office. Commercial-motor users throughout the country were at once communicated with for 'details of the vehicles that they were prepared to place at the immediate disposal of the War Office. desults were scheduled under varying local capacities, and arranged in counties (the vehicles of grocers, millers, provision merchants, co-operative societies, etc., being placed on a reserve list), and at once placed at the disposal of the Army Service Corps, the Royal Naval Division, the London recruiting authorities, and other units as applications were received from them. The Association was able to arrange with the Gas Light and Coke Co., Messrs. Cannon and Gaze, Ltd., and Messrs. Edward Nelson and Co. for them to place certain of their motor vans at the disposal of the Local Government Board for the free distribution of the Christmas gifts from America in the
• "Jason." The letters of thanks that the Association has received show how highly the work of the • C.M.U.A. in assisting the -War Office and other authorities has been appreciated. Immediately the Association was in a position to concentrate its energies on meeting the situation caused by the dislocation of the cOuntry's mechanical transport by the war requirements, the following registers were opened to enable members to secure renewed services and increased efficiency for the delivery of their goods :- (1) Register of members who wished to hire additional vehicles in order to carry On their collection and delivery services. (2) Register of members who had not sufficient business to keep the whOle 6f their vehicles usefully employed, and wished to secure hiring contracts.
(3) Register of members who desired drivers and mechanics.
(4) Register of drivers and mechanics out of employment.
(5) Motor Transport Exchange, to facilitate transport services of members in the direction of reducing wastage by securing loads where vehicles are being run empty on the outward or return journey, or by the interchange of loads with other users.
The Association is at the present time in communication with the authorities 'with a view to obtaining, if possible, some form of compensation for owners who have suffered undue hardship as a result of the impressment of their vehicles. In these and other ways the C.M.U.A. has used its organization, with the co-operation of its members, to assist the military and civil authorities in the present great crisis. Thirteen members of the General Committee are serving with His Majesty's Foams, the majority with the Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport.
Parliamentary and Legislative.
The Association investigates every public and private Bill introduced into Parliament concerned with the ownership and use of commercial motor vehicles and tractors. The Association has had under consideration the Manchester Corporation Bill, in which powers were sought to pay contributions to certain A50 local authorities in respect of projected motorbus services, and a donation was made towards the cost tif the petition lodged against the Bill.
The -committee has had numerous complaints made to them of the great difficulties and expenses which have been put upon owners and drivers of steam wagons on acCount of some confusion which exists in interpreting the regulations which have been made under the Locomotives Act of 1898 and the Heavy Motor Car Order, 1904. Drivers of light steam wagons and motor tractors (both of which come under the Heavy Motor Car Order) have in many cases been summoned under the by-laws of the 1898 Traction Engine Act for stopping on bridges to obtain water: The fact that the by-laws of 1898 do not apply to -vehicles of this small size and weight, and which never haul more than one trailer, has escaped the notice of some of-the police authorities, and the summonses which have been issued in error have caused much trouble and expense. The Association has drawn the attention of the county authorities to this misapprehension to pre-Vent further summonses of the kind being issued.
Opposition to Applications for Prohibition .Orders.
ft is the policy of the Association to oppose the closing of any highway or bridge to heavy motercarS (viz., motor vehicles exceeding two tons in weight unladen). The County Council of Devon applied to the Local Government Board for an order prohibiting the use of heavy motorcars upon Frying -Pan Hill; and at the local inquiry into the application the C.M.U.A. strenuously opposed it. The County-Council of Berkshire made a similar application for the prohibition of heavy motorcars upon Windsor Bridge, and the C.M.U.A. also opposed this application at the local inquiry held at Windsor.
The members continue to avail themselves freely of the privileges of free legal defence and advice. The solicitor has advised members personally and by cov respondence on such points as _the following
(1) Liability for damage to property caused by sideslip.
(2) Necessity for having a licence for cars used by travellers.
(3) Recovery of damage to a lorry from falling into an excavation in the road.
(4) Claim for extraordinary traffic.
(5) Use of bridges bearing notices prohibiting the passage of heavy motorcars.
(6) Liability for damage caused to manhole covers by a heavy motorcar.
(7) Necessity for having communication cord on trailer.
(8) Claim for injury to man by wagon. In addition the following are a few typical summonses defended successfully : — (1) Driving without a licence (Grays).
(2) Emission of smoke (Petworth).
(3) Obstructing of the highway (Newport?.
(4) Not having proper lights on vehicle (Wolverhampton).
(5) Leaving van unattended (Dorking).
(6) Exceeding the -speed limit of 12 m.p.h. (Greenwich).
(7) Driving to the danger of the public (Manchester).
(8) Weight of trailer not painted on the side of the trailer (Slough). Special Legal Defence Fund.
The Association has under consideration the following important cases : (1) ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND ROYAL BOROUGH OF KENSINGTON V. YORKE STONEHAAI AND JONES., LTD.
The Council of the Royal Borough of Kensington have, through His Majesty's Attorney-General, served a writ on Messrs. -Yorke Stoneham and Jones, Ltd., members of the C.M.U.A., who are owners of motor wagons and tractors, to show cause why an injunction should not be granted to restrain them from using these vehicles in any streets in the Borough of Kensington. If the case is not defended and the injunction given in default, it will constitute a very serious precedent, and may lead to the Council proceeding in turn against other users of motor vehicles, in order to obtain the power of preventing any class of commercial motors using their streets. The matter has been considered by the solicitors of the Association., and Mr. W. Joynson-Hieks considers the matter is of supreme importance to our industry, and one that should be fought to the very end. Mr. Upjohn, KG., has been retained for the defence.
Early in 1914 an extensive fire occurred at the village of Little Chesterford, near Saffron Walden, Essex, which was alleged to have been caused by a spark from a passing steam motor wagon setting fire to a thatched barn. A writ was issued against _Mr. Henry Farr, of Chichester, a member of the C.M.U.A., the damage being placed at 26000, and the case came on for hearing on the 11th February, when a verdict was given for the defendant. The Committee was unanimous in considering these eases of first importance, and that no effort should be spared to obtain a favourable verdict, as an adverse one might be attended with disastrous effects; and as it would be unreasonable to expect individual members to bear the whole cost of defending the writs, it was considered that the eases should be taken up collectively on behalf of commercial motor traffic. A special Legal Defence Fund was accordingly opened, to which makers and users were invited to contribute. This Fund is still open.
Eighth Annual Parade.
The Eighth Annual Parade, which has become one of London's Bank Holiday attractions, was successfully held on Whit Monday opposite the Tate Gallery and in the surrounding thoroughfares, and a record assembly of 508 vehicles, valued at 2322,000, was held, headed by the motor luggage van or His Majesty the King, the Patron of the Parade. The parade is the termination of a four months' inspection of the -drivers, their vehicles, and the garages, and prizes. are awarded for marks based upon, inter alia, the condition of the machine, the mileage, and the driver's knowledge and personal qualifications. The following entries were received : Entries for Drivers' Prizes (155 prizes of the value of 22, 21 10s., and 21 each), 508; entries for the championship written technical examination (two 1st prizes of 210 each and two 2nd prizes of 25 each), .52; entries for the " Engineers " prizes (silver cup and silver goblet), 30; entries for the " team " section (THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR Challenge Cup, for the owner of the best team of six vehicles or tractors entered—winners, Messrs. Spiers and Pond, Ltd., with a team of Albion vehicles), 32.
The whole of the Victoria Palace was reserved for a special matinee entertainment for the drivers and their friends, and the Championship prizes were distributed from the stage by the Chairman of the Association, Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.B.
C.M.U.A. First Aid Outfit.
At the request of a number of 'members, the C.M.U.A. First Aid Outfit has been designed with
the assistance of medical practitioners, first aid outfit manufacturers, and gentlemen responsible for the running of fleets of commercial motors.primarily for use on commercial motors t will be found equally useful on pleasure Motorcars, in workshops, or for home use. The case is of stout black japanned tin, with separate bottle sections, measuring 9i ins. by 64ins, by 4 ins., and contains :— Absorbent wool, 2 oz. Adhesive plaster. Aluminium eye bath. Aluminium water bath. Ammonia; 1 oz, Antiseptic solution, 3oz. Bandages, 5 roller. Bandage, 1 triangular. Boriclint, 2 oz.
Carron oil, 6oz. Camel hair brush. Eye shade.
Finger stalls, 2. Graduated tumbler. Safety pins.
Sal volatile, 1 oz. Scissors.
Splinter forceps. Sponge.
Tincture of iodine. Card of instructions.
The outfit wilt be sent, carriage paid, on receipt of 17s. 6cl.
Steam Wagons on Wharves.
Difficulty having arisen with regard to the admission of steam wagons upon London wharves, a special sub-committee has been appointed to confer with the Fire Office Committee on the subject, with a view to certain regulations being drafted. • C.M.U.A. Badges.
The C.M.U.A Vehicle Badge continues to increase in popularity, over 3000 having now been issued. The badge secures the ready attention of the Road Touring Guides who are stationed in various parts of the country, as well as facilitating recognition on the road between drivers in the employ of members. The badge, which measures 3/ ins, in diameter, is made in gilding metal, with blue enamelled border and red and white quartered centre, in three fittings, as follows : —
The Committee hopes that the badge will he exhibited on all the vehicles of every member. Prices vary from 6s. to 5s, each.
A Member's Personal Badge is now made in solid silver and red, iwhite and blue enamel, with pin attachment, and ssued at a price of 3s.
The income of the Association for the year 1914 was 22783 17s. 2d., anti the expenditure 22776 18s. 4d., leaving a surplus of 25 18s. 10d. The. total balance in hand at the 31st December, 1914, was 2191 5s. lid. A copy of the balance-sheet and income and expenditure account, which have been audited by Messrs. Andrew W. Barr and Co., accompanies this report Membership.
The membership of the Assoeiation shows a large increase during the year, the total Membership at the end of 1914 being nearly 1500, and the vehicles owned by the members totalled more than 17,000. The co-operation of every member is invited further to increase the numerical strength, and every commercial motor user should be included us the membership roll. The secretary will be pleased to forward particulars of the Association to any person or firm on receiving the name and address from a member.
R. E. CROMPTON, FREDR. a. BRISTOW, Chairman. Secretary. 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.
31st March, 1915.
[We comment elsewhere (rage 122) .on the claims n.-biola the C,M.U. A. now has upon owners and intending owners. We also pammarize the accounts. We shall deal next week with the proceedings at the Annual General Meeting. It has now to be noted that the subscription is advanced to Li 1/s. Bd. per annum. Owners of large fleets pay extra per vehicle for legal defence,—Er+.]