Shepherd's warning n bad maintenance
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FTER repeated visits by the ehicle examiner had failed to romote any significant imrovements in maintenance acilities, Birmingham perator Emily Shepherd's reuest for three further vehicles be added to her present ree-vehicle licence has been evised by West Midlands icensing Authority Arthur rabtree.
The nominated transport manger on an application for a stanard international licence has to ffer licence holders full-time mployment, and this can only e offered by one firm, said Mr rabtree.
Stanley Roy Shepherd, former irector of the now-liquidated oy Shepherd Transport Ltd as the nominated transport anager and had given advice at, following the closure he ad entered into partnership ith S. J. Owen trading as a learing house under the name f Raines Transport Services.
Vehicle examiner E. Collins ;aid he visited the premises in dlay 1979 following the issue of in immediate prohibition. The 'remises consisted of a muddy iotholed yard — the inspection it was flooded.
On a subsequent visit, the pit lad been drained but the yard as still badly cluttered and this as still where most maintennce was carried out. Two fitters ad said they were leaving beause of the appalling condions. On a third visit, conditions /ere still unchanged and an imlediate prohibtion was imosed on one vehicle. Mr Collins visited the premises again in September 1980 he was told that Roy Shepherd Transport had gone into liquidation and that some maintenance was being carried out by Gauden Shepherd Transport LtU — a company owned by a relative.
In January 1981, conditions had deteriorated. Some tools and equipment had been removed and the chief mechanic had left. Mr Collins issued immediate prohibitions due to poor facilities and lack of equip ment. He did not feel Mrs Shepherd should be granted any additional vehicles until the state of the existing vehicles had been improved.
Mr Shepherd gave evidence that all the maintenance and repair work was now carried out by Gauden Shepherd, and, revising the application, Mr Crabtree said he was going to give the new arrangement time to work. There would be another inspection in a few months' time and if he received similar reports, the licence would be revoked.