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Petrol Governor
VARIATION of the Kymax road-speed governor for use on petrolngined vehicles has been developed by Kysor, of radiator shutter me. To be known as Kypet, the deice will use the......
Blow-up Deflector
N INFLATABLE wind deflector • r attachment to Luton vans nd trailer bodies has been deigned by Fibrelock Fabrics Ltd. Known as Air Cone, the deflecr is fitted by pop-riveting......
Welders Fight Cold War
SPECIAL welding techniques had to be developed by engineers of the Primrose Group, Blackburn, Lancashire, to fight brittle fatigue in cold temperatures on a batch of five......
Scottish Off-road Go-anywher
WITH FINANCE of £80,0 supplied by the Edinbur Investment Trust, Glasgo based Craig Caledonia Comp Ltd has built a new off-road anywhere tracked vehicle. Designed to carry 12......
Going East
BUILT for contracting work the Middle East, this heavy dt. Craven Tasker drawbar tipp trailer has a rear bogie capac of 24 ton, and the wide sprii base suspension is said to gi......